17:39 (IST)6 JAN 2018
Like how @IndianFootball has made his disciplinary thing a money making venture. But only if they would invest some of it into improving the refereeing standard in the country. #Indianfootball #ISL2017 #LetsFootball #JAMCHE
— Naveen Peter (@peterspeaking) January 6, 2018
17:39 (IST)6 JAN 2018
What's happening to #HeroISL, I mean suspension of coaches for saying the truth!! #IndianFootball
— siju mathew (@sijumathew94) January 6, 2018
17:38 (IST)6 JAN 2018
Another ISL coach gets suspended for speaking about refereeing decisions. There is no smoke without fire. Hope the league also accepts the fact that refereeing this season has been poor #Indianfootball
— Arun George (@saysarun) January 6, 2018
17:38 (IST)6 JAN 2018
Indian football's Wenger. Chennaiyin FC head coach John Gregory has been suspended for three matches and fined INR 4 Lakhs.
— rupayan bhattacharya (@rupayanb) January 6, 2018
17:38 (IST)6 JAN 2018
Coach banned and fined for questioning the refree who gave penalty for which no contact with sereno. Hmm well done @IndianFootball !!! Shabir Pasha and @marklillis7 will take charge and make us win. Hope @JohnGregory77 enjoy our chants from a stands. #RiseAboveObstacle 💙💙💙💪
— Chennaiyin FC Stats (@chennaiyinstats) January 6, 2018
17:38 (IST)6 JAN 2018
Chennaiyin's John Gregory suspended for three matches and fined Rs 4 lakh for misbehaving with referee... The latest victim of #toomuchfine in #IndianFootball
— Sandeep Menon (@ImTheMenon) January 6, 2018
17:38 (IST)6 JAN 2018
If you guys need some cash for your personal fund please ask us. I'm sure we can crowd source it for you instead of you fining people for your incompetence
— Shri (@_Blindinho_) January 6, 2018
17:38 (IST)6 JAN 2018
Why don't they improve referring standards.. I bet there will be more referring errors then total number of goals this season.. stop punishing
— Prathamesh 🏏 (@Pratham_10) January 6, 2018
17:38 (IST)6 JAN 2018
#ISLlogic Don't improve referring standards but punish who questions it.
— Arun (@ARUNappatakkar) January 6, 2018
17:38 (IST)6 JAN 2018
Next what fans and people who are questioning the standard of refrees to be banned??? @IndSuperLeague 🖕🖕🖕
— Varadha Rajan (@imvaradha) January 6, 2018