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  • WWE NXT Live Results (May 21, 2024): Shocking heel turn leads to exciting stipulation at UFC Apex

WWE NXT Live Results (May 21, 2024): Shocking heel turn leads to exciting stipulation at UFC Apex

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedMay 22, 2024 02:13 GMT

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02:13 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

The Undertaker would be proud of Shayna rising from the dead after Vice kicked her!

02:12 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

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02:09 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

FALLON HENLEY defeats Thea Hail by pin.
NATHAN FRAZER/AXIOM defeat Stacks Lorenzo and Luca Crusafino by pin.
WES LEE and JOE COFFEY defeat Josh Briggs with a simultaneous pin of Briggs.
JAIDA PARKER defeats Brinley Reece by pin.
DANTE CHEN defeats Lexis King by pin.
KARMEN PETROVIC/NATALYA defeat Shayna Baszler and Lola Vice by pin.

02:06 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

As the refs hold them apart, Ava comes out to announce that Vice and Baszler can duke it out at Battleground, but Baszler wants it in NXT Underground.

02:05 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Nattie and Petrovic leave the ring, leaving Baszler and Vice in it. Baszler helps Vice up, but Vice kicks her in the head before shaking her butt over Shayna's body. Shayna gets up like the Undertaker as Lola continues to dance on the ring apron. She drags Vice back into the ring with the chokehold. Refs have to break them apart. 

02:03 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Nattie and Karmen hit Vice with a Hart Attack to pick up the win.
Result - Natalya and Karmen Petrovic defeat Shayna Baszler and Lola Vice by pin.

02:03 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Petrovic hits a flying crossbody for a near fall. Petrovic and Nattie go for a dual suplex on Vice, but Shayna chops Petrovic on the knee. Nattie goes for the Sharpshooter, but Baszler kicks her down. Vice goes to tag Shayna, but Nattie holds her back. Nattie knocks Baszler off the apron. Vice tries to lock in the Sharpshooter to mock Nattie, but Nattie counters it and puts Lola in it. Baszler makes the save. Petrovic gets caught by Shayna, but Petrovic sends Shayna out of the ring.

02:00 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Shayna tags Vice in, but Karmen makes the tag to Nattie. She cleans the house by hitting suplexes on Vice and Baszler. She lands her spinning clothesline, but Vice kicks out after two.

01:59 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

The Queen of Spades has Karmen in a bind back from the ads. Petrovic rolls Baszler up near the rose but she kicks out. Baszler works on Karmen's arm, preventing her from tagging Nattie in. 

Vice kicks Karmen in the gut but then shakes her butt while looking at Nattie. Karmen kicks her but Lola makes another quick tag to Baszler.

01:54 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Petrovic lands a few kicks on Baszler and a neckbreaker for a near fall. All four women meet in the ring. The Canadians land stereo clotheslines on Baszler and Vice as we head off to a commercial break.

01:53 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

It's main event time, as Nattie and Karmen Petrovic take on Shayna Baszler and Lola Vice. The crowd isn't helping the match dynamics here as they cheer for the heels. 

Lola kicks Nattie in the back with the ref's back turned. Vice and Shayna use fast tags to work on Nattie in the corner. She fights back and makes the tag to Petrovic.

01:51 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Announced for next week are:
Roxanne Perez learns who her opponent for Battleground is
Trick Williams and Je'Von Evans take on Gallus
Tatum Paxley vs. Michin for a spot in Battleground ladder match
Wren Sinclair vs. Kelani Jordan for spot in Battleground ladder match

01:49 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Backstage, we see Mr. Stone hyping up Dante Chen after his win over Lexis King. Ava reveals that Mr. Stone was the one who hyped him up to Ava.

01:47 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

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01:42 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Gallus uses the numbers game to overpower Evans and Trick. They hit a move on Evans, but Trick battles back for a brief minute. Wolfie and Mark hit their finisher on Trick.

01:42 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Oro then tells Trick to admit it and that he doesn't deserve to be champion. Lash then cuts them off to say that Trick didn't attack him. They then question which side Lash is on. 

Trick tells Oro to shut up, or he'll shut him up. Joe Coffey then comes out. He asks why I am out here talking to the NXT Champion. Mark and Wolfgang then attack Trick from behind. Lash tries to get Oro to help, but Je'Von Evans makes the save.

01:39 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Trick quickly cuts the crowd off before bringing up how Noam Dar attacked him two weeks ago and how he took it on the chin. He then says he knows what it is like to be attacked from behind and that he didn't attack Dar. He says he wouldn't have gotten up if he had attacked Noam. Meta-Four then comes out sans Dar. Jakara says it was probably Trick or Je'Von or both of them.

01:37 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Trick Williams is out next.

01:34 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Backstage, Shayna Baszler and Lola Vice are getting ready for the main event by putting on their gear. Baszler says they shouldn't have a problem tonight since they both won their singles bouts. Baszler then advises Vice to tone down the dancing when they are out in the ring because they are fighters. Vice then says she can't because 'she's a Latina.'

01:32 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Chen hits a kick, an inverted Atomic Drop, and another big boot. King goes for a move but is hit with a Uranage. Chen goes for more offense but King hits an upkick. He blasts Chen in the back of the head before trash-talking Stone on the outside. Stone then gets up on the apron to briefly distract King. King hits a Superkick followed by the Coronation, but Chen counters into a roll-up for the upset win.
Result - Dante Chen defeats Lexis King by pin.

01:30 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

The two trade some strikes but King takes it into the corner for some chops. King lands a kick to Chen's back. Chen catches another kick from King, clotheslining him to the mat. The two stars trade chops in the middle of the ring.

01:29 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

The crowd is behind Chen, probably because they get to see him weekly. King lands some punches from the mount. Chen hits a dropkick and a backbody drop on King. King catches Chen, putting him on the top buckle. Chen jumps down but is blasted with a dropkick.

01:27 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Lexis King hits the ring to face an unnamed opponent. He says he is virtually undefeated in 2024. Robert Stone then trots out to introduce the opponent for King. It's Dante Chen, a 'stalwart of NXT Level Up' according to Vic.

01:25 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Instead of not using her live for the second straight week, we get a pre-taped vignette for Roxanne Perez. She says anyone can say what they want about her, but she doesn't care. She only cares about the title and that all she sees in the mirror is The Prodigy, not a heel or villain. 

We then pivot to Ava talking on the phone, saying she spoke to Nick and Adam, and we'll find out who her opponent for Battleground will be next week.

01:19 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Backstage, Jazmyn Nyx congratulates Fallon Henley on her win over Thea. Nyx says she knew that Fallon never needed any friends, so she waited until after she beat Hail to get revenge on Thea for breaking Jacy's nose. 

We then get the alarm clock vignette but see someone waking up from a nap. Wendy Choo is back in the house!

01:17 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Parker traps Reece in some leg scissors. Reece gets a few quick pin attempts. She lands a shoulder block and bodyslam followed by a handstand clothesline for two.

As Reece hoists Parker on her shoulders, Edris and Malik appear in the entrance area. Parker hits a hip check to win the match.
Result - Jaida Parker defeats Brinley Reece by pin.

01:15 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Parker tries a pin, but Brinley bridges it to stand both women up. She goes for a backslide, but nothing happens. Booker shows he is biased by saying Parker 'knows what she wants' but Reece 'doesn't have a gameplan.'

01:13 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Parker grabs Brinley's hair to throw her into the corner. Reece jumps off the top but gets kneed in the gut. She lands some shoulders to the gut before doing her sitting move off the middle rope. 

01:13 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Reece knocks Parker down before hitting a shoulder to the gut. She hits an armdrag but the ref nearly breaks them up in the corner.

01:11 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Up next is Jaida Parker taking on Brinley Reece for a spot at Battleground. 

01:10 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Backstage, we see Ava watching the match over and over as Lee and Coffey pinned Briggs at the same time. She books a Triple Threat match we knew this was headed for.

01:08 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

There's more than one way to get two winners!

01:05 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Backstage, Karmen Petrovic and Natalya are interviewed by Kelly Kincaid. Karmen says Nattie has the most matches in WWE history and is grateful to have her in her corner. Nattie thinks they'll be a well-oiled, winning machine. We then pivot to Brinley Reece, preparing for her match with Jaida Parker. Malik Blade is nearby, with Enofe moping that he is indeed cursed. Due to Edris's bad luck, Blade doesn't want to accompany Reece for her match. She says it's not about luck but confidence, but she hasn't won a match yet...

01:03 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Coffey and Briggs take over, and Coffey hits a reverse crossbody off the top. Lee breaks up the pin. Coffey throws some punches, but Lee ducks. He drops Coffey with a somersault kick and then a suicide dive on the outside. On the other side of the ring, Gallus attacks Briggs. Lee goes to the top but gets headbutted by Coffey. Lee falls on top of Briggs, and Coffey does as well, as the ref counts to three.
Result - Joe Coffey and Wes Lee defeat Josh Briggs by simultaneous pin.

01:00 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Coffey drops Lee on the ring apron back first. He tosses Briggs into the ring but is hit with a big boot. Briggs goes to the top but is stopped by Lee. Coffey joins the Tower of Doom, but Briggs elbows Coffey down. Lee jumps off but is caught by Briggs. He chokeslams Lee into the buckle before chokeslamming Coffey in the middle of the ring. He then chokeslams Lee on top of a prone Coffey but only gets a two-count.

00:59 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Back in the ring, Coffey and Briggs trade clotheslines. Briggs goes off the ropes, but Coffey headbutts him in the ribs. Briggs hits a short splash, but Lee breaks up the pin and somersaults it off the top. Lee hits a series of kicks on Briggs. He then hits a Spinning kick on Coffey before forcing Briggs to DDT Coffey. Lee hits a suicide dive on Briggs.

00:55 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

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00:54 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Coffey rolls out of the ring but Lee hits a Tope Con Giro on him. Lee then ducks as Briggs tries to hit a big boot. He boots Coffey instead. Briggs then clotheslines Lee before dropping Coffey.

00:53 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Briggs and Lee both rush Joe Coffey due to his attack last week, but Mark Coffey tries to pull him out of the ring. They pull him back in and beat on him a bit until Briggs pushes Lee away from the action. Briggs drops both men with a shoulder block. He then hiptosses Lee into Coffey. Lee jumps off the top but is caught by Briggs. Coffey kicks Lee, forcing Briggs to toss Lee. Coffey hits a move on Briggs as he jumps off the top.

00:50 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Backstage, Riley Osborne and Ridge Holland argue over Thea's match. Riley blames Holland for her loss and he reminds Osborne that Riley cost them the tag match last week but he moved on from it. Andre Chase says to settle it in the ring.

00:42 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Next is the Triple Threat to determine Oba Femi's challenger for Battleground. Oba Femi comes out first to watch the match.

00:42 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Backstage, Mr. Stone talks to Layla Diggs and compliments her on her Combine performance. Lexis King then makes fun of Stone and says that Chelsea Green wouldn't re-up with him. Stone is about to punch King, but Ava walks up to tell King that he has a match tonight with a mystery opponent. Stone wants it to be him, but Ava says she'll find his perfect opponent tonight.

00:40 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Not to be outdone, The OC continues the trend of stars being blindsided. Gallows and Anderson attack the Champs and hit a Magic Killer on Frazer before holding up the NXT titles. 

00:40 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Frazer climbs to the top, but Stacks stops him. He lands a Superplex, and Crusifino goes for a splash off the opposite corner. Axiom catches him with a Superkick on the way down. As D'Angelo and Rizzo look on, The No Quarter Catch Crew attacks them, allowing the champs to roll Stacks up for the win.
Result - Nathan Frazer and Axiom defeat Channing Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino by pin.

00:38 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Axiom hits a Half-and-Half Suplex on Stacks for two. He then kicks Stacks' chest like Daniel Bryan. Frazer tags in, and they hit a brainbuster/headkick combo. Luca breaks up the pin. Luca catches a kick and sends Axiom into Frazer. He then hits a backstabber on Axiom. The Family hits a tandem slam, but Axiom breaks it up. Stacks hit a move on Axiom to send him out of the ring.

00:36 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

The Family sends Nate into the buckle and he bounces off like a rubber ball. Luca grounds Nathan Frazer with a knee in his back. They neutralize Frazer but he battles back with a reverse DDT. He makes the tag to Axiom. Axiom chops both opponents before sending Stacks into Luca.

00:31 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Luca isn't wrestling in his vest. He hits a blind tag, but Stacks bumps Frazer off the apron and onto the announce table. He then hits an elbow off the apron as the show heads to the commercial break.

00:30 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

Both sides trade control early on. The champs outwit Stacks before hitting an Octopus/Kick combo for two. 

00:30 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

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00:29 (GMT)22 MAY 2024

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