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  • WWE NXT Results, Live Recap, Grades: FORMER WWE star crashes segment as former NXT Champ is BRUTALLY attacked after main event!

WWE NXT Results, Live Recap, Grades: FORMER WWE star crashes segment as former NXT Champ is BRUTALLY attacked after main event!

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedFeb 05, 2025 03:19 GMT

Follow along with Sportskeeda for coverage of NXT at 8 pm EST. The Queen takes her talents to NXT to see if Giulia "Inspires her!" Trick Williams and Oba Femi team up against A Town Down Under! Kelani Jordan battles Karmen Petrovic! Ridge Holland tangles with Stacks Lorenzo! Stephanie Vaquer faces Jacy Jayne!


03:19 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

It looks like a new faction is debuting at Vengeance Day!!

03:18 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

STEPHANIE VAQUER defeats Jacy Jayne by pin.
RIDGE HOLLAND defeats Stacks Lorenzo by pin.
ZARIA and SOL RUCA defeat Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley by pin.
KARMEN PETROVIC defeats Kelani Jordan by Reversal of the Referee's Decision.
AUSTIN THEORY and GRAYSON WALLER defeat Oba Femi and Trick Williams by pin.

03:07 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Strap match incoming!!

03:06 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

The focus was on the women of NXT this week. The tag team match was surprisingly good. Vaquer looked great as usual and the promo segment with Bayley, Giulia, Charlotte Flair, and Roxanne Perez started great but went downhill when Giulia and Flair came out. The main event match was more about Trick and Oba not getting along ahead of Femi beating A-Town Down Under at Vengeance Day.

03:02 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Oba Femi, the next Beast Incarnate?

03:00 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

The Champ lands a series of running Euro Uppercuts before tossing Theory across the ring. He lines up for his finisher but Trick loudly slaps Femi's back to tag in. Waller hits a rolling forearm but mocks Femi instead of taking advantage. Trick hits a kick but Theory breaks up the pin. Femi and Theory fall out of the ring. The ref is more worried about that for some reason. As Trick lines up for the Trick Shot knee, Eddy Thorpe shows up and blasts Trick with a strap. Waller hits his rolling cutter for the shocking victory.
Result - A-Town Down Under defeats Oba Femi and Trick Williams by pin.

The outcome was a nice surprise since Theory and Waller have lost a lot lately. Femi is a special talent and the whole "can they co-exist thing" was done well. 

02:57 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Waller drops Trick with a Lariat on the outside. He adds an elbow off the barricade for good measure. Trick hits a pop-up uppercut. He tags Femi in and he shoulderblocks Theory twice before pulling Waller into the ring. He chops Theory before hitting a double Samoan Drop. 

02:54 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Theory works Trick over off the commercial break. Waller lands some knees before reining down forearms to the back of Trick's head.

02:50 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Trick and Oba are in control but can't get on the same page due to egos. Waller gets a punch in but Femi decks him. Trick and Oba keep arguing and Femi gets knocked off the apron when Waller runs into Trick's back. Trick goes off the ropes for a move but Femi pulls him out of the ring because of the collision. Waller takes advantage to hit a Tope Con Giro.

02:39 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Waller and Theory have a tense exchange before the main event since they both want to be NXT Champion.

02:37 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Ava is talking with FrAxiom and Bayley storms in. She wants Cora Jade and gets it for next week. Josh Briggs and his partner rush in to book a match for next week. They each have a team in mind, so Ava makes it a Triple Threat between Josh/Inamura, NQCC, and Hank/Tank. JDC vs. Lexis King for the Heritage Cup is booked, as is Tony D vs. Ridge in a Steel Cage match next week.

02:34 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Kelani Jordan has snapped!! Again!!

02:33 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Someone interviews Stephanie Vaquer in the parking lot and she surprisingly doesn't get attacked! Vaquer says Jazmyn and Jacy can't save Fallon at Vengeance Day. Lola Vice walks by and looks three feet taller than usual with platform boots. It looked more like Megan Bayne than Lola Vice.

02:32 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Petrovic pulls Kelani off the top with headscissors but can't finish her off. She goes for a DDT but Jordan counters into a suplex with a bridge for two. Kelani hits an Angle Slam near the corner. She hits her split-legged moonsault but keeps trash-talking with Parker. She adds another one before locking in a submission for the win. Kelani then locks the submission back in on Karmen as refs try to pull them apart. He reverses the decision.
Result - Karmen Petrovic defeats Kelani Jordan by reverse decision.

The women hit their spots but seemed out of sync for most of it. It felt like striking exchanges followed by a move and a pin rather than a well-planned out match. The high-flying stuff worked well and the submission was a nice new wrinkle for Jordan.

02:26 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Jaida Parker stands in front of the announce table to distract Booker T and everyone else. Jordan and Petrovic exchange kicks until she hits Karmen with a facebuster for two. Karmen fights back with a few clotheslines and a kick. She hits a Sling Blade for two.

02:21 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Jordan kicks Karmen off the apron. She goes for a corkscrew plancha but lands it on Ashante instead. As Kelani goes for more, Jaida Parker walks out. Karmen hits a Suicide Dive followed by a DDT for a near fall.

02:20 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Up next is teenage love puppy and noisy sword girl Karmen Petrovic taking on NXT's favorite daughter, Kelani Jordan. Ashante is ringside. Karmen lands several kicks for a near fall. Corey Graves makes some great comments that Michael Cole should follow. He says Petrovic couldn't get the win with the fast pace and kicks so she pivoted to slowing things down. Vic then says standout about three times as Jordan hits a few moves.

02:17 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Josh Briggs asks Hank and Tank for a tag match next week so they can tune up for FrAxiom. We then see Ridge Holland walking over to the D'Angelo Family for another title shot. Izzi says they should settle it in a cage match as Shawn Spears and his cronies look on from behind.

02:12 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

GRADE for Women's Summit: B.
Perez and Bayley carried the segment and had the best exchanges. Giulia did what she needed to do but Flair not getting in the ring was weird since she said she wanted to shake her hand. Flair basically said her usual words of being the best and that she'll walk out of WrestleMania as champ regardless of who she faces.

02:11 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Ava stands between Ethan Page and Je'Von Evans backstage, flanked by security. She says since he jumped security twice while not cleared, he's suspended. Page cuts her off to say she shouldn't suspend him but let him fight at Vengeance Day. She agrees only if he's cleared in time.

02:10 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

As Flair's music hits, Cora Jade runs in to hit everyone with a Kendo Stick. She blasts Bayley and Giulia and swings at Perez. Jade holds the title to end the segment before blasting Bayley again.

02:09 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Since the NXT crowd cheers for everyone they're told to, they cheer for Charlotte Flair. She says, "Mama has come home," adding another nickname. She commends Roxy for being the Iron Woman before saying she'll be the runner-up again if she's Champ by WrestleMania. Flair then gives some props to Giulia but "can't get in the ring to shake her hand" for some reason. She says she's better than Giulia.

02:06 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Giulia then comes out. She says Roxanne is nothing without a title and that she'll beat Bayley too. Since titles are involved that means Charlotte Flair has to be within five feet of any belt.

02:05 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Roxy then says instead of meeting her heroes, she wants to surpass them. Bayley says that's exactly what she wants to pay it forward. Bayley says Perez is losing it after losing the title. She may also lose her best friend too. She adds that when it comes to the NXT Women's title, she has no friends or equals. After she goes to RAW and SMackDown and wins those titles, maybe Cora can finally win a Championship. Ouch!

02:03 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Before Giulia comes out, Bayley and Roxanne Perez meet in the ring. Roxy mentions how she broke Bayley's record of time in the Rumble. She also eliminated Giulia. Roxy says Bayley didn't come to NXT to mentor her but to get a shot at the NXT Women's title instead of getting her butt kicked on SmackDown.

02:01 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Sarah Schreiber interviews Trick. He says he doesn't care about a game plan but only about showing Ava that he should be getting the title shot and not Austin Theory or Grayson Waller, who "sneak their way into everything." He doest realize that he's to blame for getting powerbombed last week, right? Or does he have Cody Rhodes/Roman Reigns disease where he can do no wrong??

01:57 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Sol, you know you have hands, right??

01:55 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Zaria comes in off a tag to drop both Paxley and Dolin. She hits headbutts and German Suplexes before blasting Dolin with a Spear. Pxley breaks up the pin. Zaria and Sol clash heads. Zaria catches Paxley and hits her with an F5 on top of Gigi. Sol tags in and hits Gigi with the Sol Snatcher for the win.
Result - Zaria and Sol Ruca defeat Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley.

This was about as fast-paced a match as an offering from Axiom and Nathan Frazer. Despite the hectic nature, everyone looked good and Gigi even busted out a somersault plancha, something I'd never seen from her before.

01:52 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Paxley and Gigi are dressed in Beetlegeuse colors. Tatum and Sol start out. Gigi tags in after Paxley gets planted. Zaria tags in. Dolin tries a Crucifix, but Zaria overpowers her. Gigi slaps Zaria, and Zaria decks Dolin for her efforts. Sol tags back in and they set up a Doomsday Device type move. Dolin breaks it up. Paxley tags in and gets a near-fall. Paxley busts out a new-look submission from the bottom. Paxley kicks Zaria off the apron as Dolin hits a somersault plancha for two.

01:45 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Stacks got some good moves in but they weren't enough . . .

01:44 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Up next is Zaria and Sol Ruca taking on Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley.

01:44 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Stacks and Ridge exchange kicks. He adds a Codebreaker before going to the top. Holland catches him and throws him across the ring. Stacks climbs to the top but gets pushed to the floor. Luca checks on him but Ridge pushes him away. Luca gets on the apron to distract the ref. Izzi Dame tries to run in again but the ref sees it. Ridge kicks Stacks and hits him with his Redeemer DDT for the win.
Result - Ridge Holland defeats Stacks Lorenzo by pin.

Ridge and Stacks played well off each other. Stacks is one of the more underrated talents and made Ridge look good. The Izzi Dame thing is either a work or she's trying to help The Family since they stuck up for her.

01:39 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Ridge Holland battles Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo. Stacks drops Ridge to the floor with a springboard dropkick. He chases RIdge but Ridge shoves him into the steel steps. Holland sends Stacks into the turnbuckle as Brooks Jensen and Niko Vance look on.

01:34 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

We then get a brief clip of Tony D'Angelo guest starring on CW's Wildcards show. Stacks then says that must have been what he was talking about with Izzi Dame last week instead of coming out for their tag match last week.

01:33 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

GRADE for segment: B-.
King embraced the heel turn again and changing the rules essentially made it a normal title. The crowd booed him the entire time but King pushed through it. 

01:31 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Dango says he "used to get weird" in NXT and that the theme "means the world to him" before getting in the ring. King mocks the Fashion Police time. Dango retorts by saying that King's beard looks like it was painted on. He wants a chance at the Heritage Cup and announces that Ava made the match for next week.

01:28 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

He says he tried anything not to be like his father, but he didn't know him. King finally admits that he felt his best as "his father's son" or the son of "a psycho" as he put it. The trophy has been mistreated for years. He says he'll change the way this title will be defended, first getting rid of the rounds and corner people. He basically makes it a regular match. That's when Fandango cuts him off!

01:26 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Lexis King is in the ring after the commercial break. He's back to his over-manicured beard. He "thanks" William Regal and former NFL QB Ryan Leaf. He says "The King doesn't take advice." The heel turn is in full swing for King. He says his blood doesn't run with that of a "normie."

01:24 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Sarah Schreiber interviews Oba Femi about his match with A-Town Down Under. She tries to Michael Cole it by asking Femi if he owes Trick an apology for powerbombing him last week. Not to forget that Trick randomly stormed out and got in his face. WWE faces don't get passes.

01:23 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

The Flying Dark Angel . . .

01:21 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Zaria and Sol Ruca confront Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson backstage. Zaria mocks how they lost to Bianca and Naomi last week as well as how Lash didn't eliminate anyone in the Rumble. Sol tries to break it up but Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley do the same. Gigi commends Lash and Jackson for stepping up, which is something Zaria hasn't done. All three duos bark at each other.

01:18 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Jacy misses a clothesline, allowing Vaquer to land a DDT. She nearly rolls Jacy up but Jacy kicks out. Vaquer hits 619 and a springboard crossbody but Jazmyn Nyx tries to break up the pin. Since she didn't hit Vaquer, it doesn't cause a disqualification. Nyx gets a Superkick for her efforts before Vaquer hits her package piledriver backbreaker for the win.
Result - Stephanie Vaquer defeats Jacy Jayne by pin.

Good chemistry and expected interference from Fatal Influence. Vaquer has the star quality and Jacy should be on the main roster by now. 

01:14 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

The stars battle on the top buckle with Vaquer hitting a superplex. They trade strikes and kicks. Jacy goes for a Cannonball in the corner but Vaquer moves. Vaquer lands double knees to Jayne in the corner before dropping her with a back-to-belly suplex. She goes for her finisher but Jacy counters and hits a running knee for a near fall.

01:08 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Vaquer overpowers Jacy early on. Jayne takes control briefly until she's suplexed into the corner by the Dark Angel. Vaquer adds a dropkick and a short legdrop for two. Vaquer slams Jacy's head into the mat before Fallon Henley distracts her on the outside. Jacy lands a Soccer kick to drop Vaquer.

01:02 (GMT)5 FEB 2025

Fatal Influence kicks things off tonight as Jacy Jayne battles Stephanie Vaquer ahead of Fallon Henley's defense against Vaquer.
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