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  • WWE RAW Results, 15th October 2018, Live Commentary & Updates

WWE RAW Results, 15th October 2018, Live Commentary & Updates

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedOct 16, 2018 03:10 GMT

Follow us as we cover an exciting episode of RAW weeks away from Evolution!


03:10 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

03:06 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

After the match, a furious Strowman hits Ziggler with the Running Powerslam. He turns around and gets hit with a Claymore kick from McIntyre. this time. It was intentional.

Have Strowman, Ziggler & McIntyre broken up?

03:05 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

03:05 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

03:05 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

03:05 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

03:04 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Roman Reigns' superman punch on McIntyre saves Ambrose and he does the same on Ziggler.  He avoids a powerslam on Strowman and sends him crashing to the ringpost. Reigns avoids McIntyre's kick and it lands on STROWMAN

Reigns spears McIntyre, who rolls out. A quick Triple Powerbomb to Ziggler sees Ambrose get the pin and Shield get the win.

The Shield def. Strowman, Ziggler & McIntyre

It isn't pretty but the Shield look to be on the same page

03:01 (GMT)16 OCT 2018


Rollins escapes but Ziggler hits the Zig Zag. Ambrose kicks out! 

03:00 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Ambrose almost pins McIntyre when he lands the Dirty Deeds but Ziggler pushes Rollins against him, breaking up the pin. Oh no! 

02:59 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

McIntyre and Ziggler take out Ambrose & Rollins and even hit their finisher on Reigns but Ambrose and Rollins saves him.  He finally tags Rollins in and the momentum shift sees him tag Ambrose as well. They're working well so far, taking out McIntyre and Ziggler with double suicide dives. They try the same on Strowman but get caught. SUPERMAN PUNCH TO STROWMAN OUT OF NOWHERE! 

02:56 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

This time, Strowman tags himself back in. It looks like we're seeing cracks with them too! 

02:56 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

McIntyre gets tagged in again and he struggles to tag his Shield brothers in. McIntyre tags Strowman in, who stops Reigns in  his tracks. It's another quick tag and this time McIntyre has tagged himself in! 

02:54 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Reigns and McIntyre are in the ring after the break. McIntyre gets a nearfall but it isn't enough to put Reigns away. He tags Ziggler in once again, who hits a cheap kick for good measure. He then begins to stomp on Reigns' left shoulder

02:52 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:52 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:50 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Rollins puts Ziggler away and Ambrose and Rollins once again start to bicker. Roman Reigns tags himself in and tries to be peacemaker again, but Strowman runs into all three of them, allowing Ziggler to hit a DDT on Reigns

02:49 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

The Shield vs Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre

Dolph Ziggler gets told by Strowman to DO SOMETHING. Shield aren't the only ones with tension between them

02:43 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:42 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:42 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:42 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:39 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:39 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Elias tries to attack Apollo Crews but Apollo hits an enziguri and then deadlifts Elias in the air and drops him. That was impressive! Looks like we have Elias' next feud

02:37 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Apollo actually lands a nice diss on Elias

02:36 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Elias is out doing his usual schtick, insulting the local sports team. HE gets interrupted by Apollo Crews...who I honestly forgot about.

02:34 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:31 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

The Boss is back! Are you excited to see Sasha Banks back from injury?

02:30 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:27 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:27 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:26 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Natalya fights back and goes for a sharpshooter attempt right away but Sarah Logan interferes, causing a DQ.

Natalya def. Ruby Riott by DQ

Liv Morgan attacks Sasha Banks while  Sarah Logan attacks Bayley. Either way, the babyfaces prevent the full-fledged beatdown and take out Logan and Morgan. Natalya sends Riott away with a suplex and the three babyfaces stand tall

02:24 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Ruby Riott starts off in control of Natalya

02:21 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Natalya has back up! Bayley and Sasha Banks! The Boss is back!

02:21 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:19 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Ruby Riott vs Natalya is next! 

02:16 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:16 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:16 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:16 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

The Riott Squad are backstage and they...pour ketchup and mustard over Natalya's locker room door? That's not even much damage. That's likehalf a minute of cleaning at most

02:15 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Corbin looks on from the ramp in shock, only to get hit with an Angle Slam on the ramp!

02:15 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Authors Of Pain vs Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle is back in the Conquistador gear. Or is it Kurt Angle? 

Because he doesn't look or act like him. He gets squashed and loses in seconds. 

Yep, it's not Kurt Angle. It's some random jobber

02:08 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Bayley gets confronted backstage by the Riott Squad and mocked.

Ruby Riott vs Natalya is announced for later

02:07 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

It looks like Evolution comes early as the Hall Of Famers goad them to come to the ring.  The two then walk away while the Hall Of Famers stand tall!

02:05 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:05 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

02:04 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Mickie James and Alexa Bliss start talking typical trash about nostalgia and how Lita and Trish are washed up

02:01 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Lita starts hyping up Evolution but it doesnt take long for them to get interrupted by Alexa Bliss & Mickie James

02:00 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

Lita and Trish Stratus are out! 

01:59 (GMT)16 OCT 2018

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