Cipher Decoders: What are they and how to use them in Destiny 2

Image Credits: Bungie
Image Credits: Bungie

Cipher decoders in Destiny 2 are used to unlock chests at the end of the Haunted Forest runs. These chests contain event currency and loot. However, you can carry only 25 decoders at any given point in time. So, you will have to max out on these and then head up to the Haunted Forest to farm those chests.

After every successful run on the Haunted Forest, the chests will be spawned on a pedestal. These chests contain event currencies and cosmetic gear, including weapons. When it comes to weapons, these chests drop the Horror Story and Braytech Werewolf. Both these weapons are auto rifles with a 450 RPM rate of fire.

'Braytech Werewolf' Image Credits: Bungie
'Braytech Werewolf' Image Credits: Bungie

How to obtain the Cipher Decoders in Destiny 2?

As per Cozmo, a North American community manager for Bungie Studios, Cipher decoders are supposed to drop from every activity other than the Haunted Forest. However, the drop rates were pretty low initially, which caused Bungie to rework the drop rates for the cipher decoders. Post reworking, the drop rates did improve slightly, but farming them still takes some time.

These decoders are specific to the event and will disappear on the 3rd of November when the event ends. So, you still have some time in your hands if you're looking to farm the Haunted Forest for those weapons.

'Horror Story' Image Credits: Bungie
'Horror Story' Image Credits: Bungie

The low drop rate did cause the community to devise new ways of farming the decoders. A YouTuber going by the name Cheese Forever made a video guide for exploiting a glitch on the spire of stars raid, allowing people to farm the cipher decoders easily. This caught Bungie’s attention, which led to them patching it quickly.

The weapons are quite nice. There are tonnes of better weapons out there to grab, so it doesn’t make sense to farm the Haunted Forest only for these weapons. But, if you want to farm for other cosmetic items, then feel free to do it. Happy farming!