How tall was James Dean?

Last Modified Jul 4, 2023 16:33 GMT
Source: James Dean’s Facebook
Source: James Dean’s Facebook

James Dean was 5 feet 8 inches (173 cm) tall.

James Dean (1931-1955) was an American actor and cultural icon. Born on February 8, 1931, in Marion, Indiana, he became a symbol of teenage rebellion and angst. Dean's acting career was short-lived but impactful.

He starred in only three films: "East of Eden" (1955), "Rebel Without a Cause" (1955), and "Giant" (1956, released posthumously). Despite his limited filmography, Dean's talent and brooding charisma captivated audiences.

Where is James Dean from?

Source: James Dean’s Facebook
Source: James Dean’s Facebook

James Dean was born and raised in Marion, a small town in Indiana, United States. He was born on February 8, 1931, to Winton Dean and Mildred Wilson Dean. Growing up in a rural Midwestern community, Dean developed an interest in acting and performing from a young age. He participated in high school plays and showed a natural talent for dramatic arts.

After graduating from high school in 1949, Dean moved to California to pursue his acting career. He enrolled in the drama program at Santa Monica College and later transferred to the prestigious Actors Studio in New York City. Despite his brief life and limited filmography, James Dean left an indelible mark on Hollywood and popular culture.

His rebellious persona and method acting approach challenged traditional notions of film acting, influencing future generations of actors. Marion, Indiana, remains proud of its connection to the iconic actor and has established the James Dean Gallery and Museum to honor his memory and legacy.

How did James Dean die?

Source: James Dean’s Facebook
Source: James Dean’s Facebook

James Dean's untimely death occurred in a fatal car accident. On September 30, 1955, Dean was traveling in his Porsche 550 Spyder, nicknamed "Little Bastard," along with his mechanic Rolf Wütherich. They were heading to a race in Salinas, California. Near the town of Cholame, Dean's car collided with another vehicle driven by Donald Turnupseed, who was making a left turn onto the highway.

The impact caused Dean's car to spin out of control and crash into a ditch.The accident resulted in severe injuries for Dean, including a broken neck and multiple internal injuries. Despite efforts to save him, Dean was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. He was only 24 years old at the time of his tragic passing.

The circumstances surrounding his death and his status as a rising star added to the legend and mystique that continues to surround James Dean to this day.

James Dean Movies

Source: James Dean’s Facebook
Source: James Dean’s Facebook

James Dean starred in three major films during his short but impactful career:

  • "East of Eden" (1955): Directed by Elia Kazan, this film marked Dean's first major role. He portrayed Cal Trask, a troubled young man in a tumultuous relationship with his father. Dean's performance earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor.

  • "Rebel Without a Cause" (1955): Directed by Nicholas Ray, this iconic film cemented James Dean's status as a cultural symbol of teenage rebellion. He played Jim Stark, a disillusioned teenager struggling with family and societal pressures. Dean's portrayal of the troubled Jim remains one of his most memorable roles.

  • "Giant" (1956): Released posthumously, this epic drama directed by George Stevens starred Dean alongside Elizabeth Taylor and Rock Hudson. In the film, Dean portrayed Jett Rink, a Texas ranch hand who strikes it rich in oil. Although he tragically passed away before the film's release, Dean's performance earned him a posthumous Academy Award nomination for Best Actor.

These three films, each showcasing Dean's intense and emotionally charged acting style, continue to be celebrated as iconic contributions to cinema.


A. James Dean was born on February 8, 1931.

A. James Dean was born in Marion, Indiana, United States.

A. James Dean died in a car accident on September 30, 1955, near Cholame, California.

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