League of Legends: Thorin, JordanCorby, and IWDominate feel that the game may become pay-to-win

(Image Credits: League of Legends NA)
(Image Credits: League of Legends NA)

With the recent announcement of the Champion Roadmap for September 2020, Riot Games confirmed that League of Legends will see the introduction of two new champions in the game before the year ends.

As was announced in January via a Dev Video on YouTube, League of Legends was supposed to receive a total of 6 new champions in 2020, one top laner, one jungler, one Attack Damage Carry (ADC), one support, and two mid laners (one assassin and one mage).


Samira's introduction hints that Riot might be making League of Legends pay-to-win

Having already released three champions in 2020, Sett (top laner), Lillia (jungler), and Yone (melee mid laner), Samira was the newest champion to be released in the game.

Samira is a bottom lane ADC equipped with guns as well as a sword. Samira's ultimate is activated through accumulative style points by striking enemy champions with a flurry of non-repetitive combo hits.

Fair to say, many League of Legends veterans have proven that the new champion is pretty broken. To discuss on the same topic, IWDominateLoL, JordanCorby, and Thorin joined on an episode of The Crack Down.


The trio can be seen discussing the new champion's broken nature and how it benefits players who can afford to invest money to get Samira over players who prefer to grind for in-game currency before unlocking a champion.

Effective balancing updates over time will ensure that the new champion is nerfed to a value where it is no longer broken or overpowered as it was at launch. This means that players who grind for a period of time to unlock the champion would get their hands on the champion by the time it has been nerfed.

Thorin goes on to say that League of Legends is being turned into a pay-to-win game by Riot Games as players who can afford to get new champions which are overpowered or broken at launch will be the ones who can grab wins over the other players before they can afford to unlock the champion.

The main competitor of League of Legends, Dota 2 has often faced the heat from the MOBA community because of its highly complex game mechanics (like turn-rate mechanics), a lot higher number of active items, and virtually an unlimited number of possible in-game combinations.

(Credits: r/leagueoflegends )
(Credits: r/leagueoflegends )

However, when it comes to heroes/champions being put behind paid walls, Dota 2 definitely wins the battle as all of Dota's heroes are free to play for everyone from the day of launch.

League of Legends' economic structure has always been different than Dota 2. However, that hasn't changed the fact that millions of players swear their allegiance to League of Legends.

Well, if Riot Games keeps releasing broken or overpowered champions like Samira in the future who are kept behind paid walls, League of Legends might soon become a pay-to-win game for the community.

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