10 most popular extreme sports in the world

BMX Cycling semi-finals at the 2012 Olympic Games in London

#2 Highlining

The dangers of highlining are clearly depicted in this picture

Highlining is basically rope walking, but at a much higher altitude. In this extreme sport the highliner has to walk from one point to the other on an inch-wide rope, and has no support besides a safety harness that is tethered to the rope. The rope extends for a distance of about 30 metres, with the event taking place at a cliff thousands of feet above the ground.

Tubular nylon webbing material makes the rope stretchier than a steel cable but also makes it more flexibile, which causes it to swing a lot more. This makes it difficult for the highliner to get across without falling.

The lack of a safety net and the chance of injuring oneself despite the presence of a safety harness makes this activity a ridiculous and hazardous one to pursue, although its extreme nature does attract plenty of enthusiasts looking for a rush of adrenaline.
