
10 best Pikachu moments in Pokemon history

When it comes to memorable moments, Pikachu's presence can be felt throughout the animated series and the film space.

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The Electric Mouse is almost synonymous with the multimedia franchise as a whole, but decades of its journey with Ash have also given it a potent character of its own.

Synonymous with the franchise

The Pokémon Company

From surviving the trials of the Indigo League challenge to winning the World Coronation Series, Pikachu has seen a huge share of shortcomings, victories, and miraculous moments.

Trials and tribulations

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In Ash’s battle with Pewter City gym leader Brock, the latter used his Onix to Bind Pikachu close to fainting. In the rematch, the Gym’s sprinkler system activated and the wet Onix was quickly defeated by Pikachu.

1) Overcoming Onix

The Pokémon Company

After getting defeated by Lt. Surge’s Raichu, Ash chose not evolve Pikachu. In the rematch, Pikachu’s renewed faith in Ash and its own battle abilities allowed it to finally overcome Raichu.

2) Pikachu defeats Lt. Surge's Raichu

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Thanks to a herculean effort by Pikachu against Lance's Dragonite, Ash and his beloved creature's visages were cemented in the Orange League Hall of Fame.

3) Taking the Orange League Championship

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Ash and Pikachu made quick work of Wattson, who focused heavily on Electric-type Pokemon, to earn their Dynamo Badge.

4) Securing the Dynamo Badge

The Pokémon Company

Swipe up to learn about the other iconic Pikachu moments in the Pokemon franchise!