5 Best Overwatch 2 Heroes To Counter Tracer

Tracer is a hero many Overwatch 2 veterans are familiar with, as she has been a part of the game’s roster since the first version launched in 2016.

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Being a squishy flank hero, Tracer can be an easy target if she is pinned down. There are a few counters to this Damage hero, and here are the five best ones.

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Genji’s primary fire, Shurikens, will melt through Tracer instantly if you can consistently land shots on her.

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Playing Cassidy effectively can be a nightmare for Tracer, as a good single shot will be enough to lower her health immensely.

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No matter how far Tracer moves with her Blink ability, Winston can easily chase her down with his Jump Pack.

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With constant damage dealt from your turret, Tracer will find it difficult to come into range to do any substantial damage to you.

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Widowmaker can pick out a Tracer at full health with a single headshot before she even realizes what hit her.

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