Chainsaw Man : Devil list



Chainsaw Man season 1 ended a long time ago, and the anime presented viewers to a broad range of devils.

While some were essential to the plot, others appeared as minor villains in the episodes.

The Chainsaw Devil "Pochita" represents the terror of chainsaws and appeared in the anime in a canine-like appearance.

Chainsaw Devil

Tomato Devil, who emerged as a minor opponent in the first episode of the anime, personifies the fear of tomatoes.

Tomato Devil

As an enemy in the first episode of the anime, Zombie Devil reflects people's dread of zombies.

The Zombie Devil

The Sea Cucumber Demon is a devil who represents people's dread of sea cucumbers.

Devil of the Sea Cucumber 

The Bat Devil personifies people's dread of bats. He played the main adversary in the title Bat Devil Arc.

Bat Devil

As a subsidiary nemesis in the Bat Devil Arc, the Leech Devil epitomises the dread of leeches.

Leech Devil

Unlike numerous devils that appear as adversaries in the anime, the Fox Devil is a small supporting character who represents the fear of foxes.

Fox Devil

The Fish Devil represents the dread of fish, as little is known about the devil in the anime.

Fish Devil

The Ghost Devil, like the Fox Devil, epitomizes the fear of ghosts. She formed a pact with Himeno.

Ghost Devil

As the principal nemesis of the titular Eternity Devil Arc, the Eternity Devil epitomizes the horror of eternity.

Devil of Eternity

Aki used the Curse Devil's spike to puncture Katana Man three times, after which the Curse Devil grabbed him.

Curse Devil

Snake Devil, who emerged as a minor opponent in the Katana Man Arc, epitomizes the dread of snakes.

Snake Devil

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