Weirdest Superstitions in MLB history 

Some baseball players have developed bizarre superstitions over the course of the league's history. Here's a list of the weirdest superstitions in MLB history.

David Ortiz

Although common in cricket spitting isn't that widely practiced in baseball. However  David Ortiz would spit on his batting gloves every time he would go for an at-bat. 

Wade Boggs

For a man of Wade Boggs' talent, he had plenty of little superstitions. One of them included going to batting practice exactly at 5.17 pm before a night game.

Mark McGwire

Mark McGwire played 16 seasons of active Major League Baseball and yet used the same protective cup he once used in his high school days.

Roger Clemens

While playing for the Yankees, Clemens would take a trip to Monument Park touch the Babe Ruth plaque for good every single time he had a home game.

Wade Boggs

Another entry on the list from Wade Boggs, the legendary batter would write the Hebrew word "chai" which meant life, every time he would enter the batter's box.

Jim Palmer

Legendary pitcher Jim Palmer would stick to the same breakfast meal of pancakes every day he had a game. All those pancakes surely contributed to the 19-year career.

Turk Wendell

Turk Wendell had plenty of small quirks. Weirdest of them all is every time he went to pitch he would specifically four black licorice. Funnier thing is coming back to the dugout he would spit them out and immediately brush his teeth between innings.

Justin Verlander

For a long time, Justin Verlander would be a free ad-making service for Taco Bell as he would have one of their tacos before every game.

Players still continue to follow certain superstitions. It is great if they work, if they don't then it's an embarrassment.

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