India’s javelin throw superstar Neeraj Chopra has once again announced his arrival on the biggest stage in style, qualifying for the final of the men’s javelin throw event in the ongoing Paris 2024 Olympics. He registered an astonishing 89.34 metres throw in the qualification round on Tuesday (August 6).
Netizens took to social media to express joy at the success of India’s wonder boy, who is one of India’s only realistic shots at winning a gold medal in the Paris 2024 Olympics.
“Whole India can choke, but not this guy! Built different!!! The Golden Boy is at it again!!” one fan jubilantly posted on X.
“Once in a generation, He is born to win for India,” another fan wrote.
“The man, The Myth, The hope of 1.4 Billions Indians. One man Neeraj Chopra ⭐ INTO THE FINALE,” posted another fan.
One fan highlighted the fact that it took Neeraj only one attempt to go past the automatic qualification mark of 84.0 metres, writing:
“Here you go our hero❤️ You did it in one shot❤️”
“89.34. One and done. Into the final. Mr. Neeraj Chopra. You sir, are something else,” another post read.
Echoing the sentiments of all Indian viewers of the Paris 2024 Olympics, one fan simply wrote:
“Neeraj Chopra the pride of India 🇮🇳”
Neeraj Chopra moves on to men’s javelin throw final after topping the qualification round group
The question of Neeraj qualifying for the final round of the men’s javelin throw event felt more like a formality rather than an actual question. The Tokyo 2020 gold medalist proved his mettle once again by clearing the Olympic Qualification Standard of 84.00m in his first attempt.
The 26-year-old athlete registered a distance of 89.34m with his first throw, which was quite some way away from the second-placed Anderson Peters of Grenada (88.63m).
After the poor performance of Kishore Jena in the first heat of the qualification rounds which virtually guaranteed his elimination from the Paris 2024 Games, Neeraj will look to bring his A-game to the final round as he chases a successive Olympic gold medal for India.