In previous episodes of General Hospital aired between August 5 to 9, 2024, the viewers saw characters in Port Charles struggling with legal conflicts and medical emergencies. The week saw a whirlwind of emotions and intense drama with Carly being under arrest and Kristina fighting for her life after falling from the Metro Court Hotel.
The upcoming episodes of General Hospital, airing between August 12 to 16, 2024, will continue to follow the loose ends from the last week. Carly is ready to receive a big surprise, Sonny getting normal again, Jason and Sonny are up to something, and the week will end with Laura getting a call that will put her in distress.
The fans should be set to go on a ride full of ups and downs, there are moments of joy but at the cost of problems and tensions all over Port Charles.
General Hospital spoilers for the episodes set to release from August 12 to August 16, 2024
Monday, August 12, 2024: Days of decisions
The week starts with an important decision making that Kristina and Blaze have to make, as Blaze gets a proposal that might completely change her musical journey. This leads Kristina to worry about what’s next for them.
Meanwhile, on General Hospital, Willow will also make a decision that could have huge consequences for him. Maxie trusts Nina and tells her everything to seek her advice. Carly on the other hand will receive a big surprise.
Tuesday, August 13, 2024: Time to learn a lesson!
Sonny returns to normal as he seems to talk to Jason with the same kind of confidence and gestures. Both of them deal together with the ongoing tensions. Kristina makes a surprising choice that leaves people around her stunned.
The conflict between the women in Sonny’s life intensifies as Carly gives a warning to Ava. Meanwhile, on General Hospital, Tracy teaches a lesson to Violet. John is again up to something but this time hopes not to fail like previous times.
Wednesday, August 14, 2024: The lessons aren’t ending anytime soon!
Michael says something that deeply affects Sasha and makes her reconsider her choices and decisions. Tracy is now on to teach something to Cody, it will be interesting to see what it will be. Josslyn is under stress due to the recent incidents and Gio stands beside her to comfort her and listen to her.
Willow confesses something that can compromise the situation in Port Charles and Sonny is offering something tempting to someone, however, it is to be seen if they will accept it.
Thursday, August 15, 2024: Some disagreements and updates
Maxie seems anxious, however, the reason is yet to be revealed. As she is already dealing with problems in her life, Michael looks like he is up to something as he invites someone unexpected. Cody tries to help in the situation but will it be helpful is yet to be discovered.
Felecia and Mac are in an unusual disagreement, as Felecia speaks out her thoughts. Jason lands up to Sonny with the recent updates.
Friday, August 16, 2024: Week ending with new tensions
The week ends with Jason on a mission to look for something that could be helpful for them. On the other hand, Laura gets a call that leaves her distressed but the person on the other end remains a mystery. John is on his way to make an arrest that will shock the people of Port Charles.
Amidst all this chaos on General Hospital, Molly and TJ added some more by deciding something that could change their lives forever. And on top of it, Sonny promises something to Kristina that he also doesn’t know will be able to fulfill.
Fans can watch the new episodes of General Hospital on ABC.