Love is Blind Mexico premiered on August 1, 2024, on Netflix, with the first four episodes. The show introduced the participants ready to find their love match through this social experiment.
The Mexico spinoff of the dating reality TV show became popular due to the new format of finding a partner through emotional connection. Contestants built strong bonds during their time in the pods without seeing one another until they got engaged.
One of the cast members, Silvia Delgado found her perfect match (Chema Rivera) on the show after being entangled in a messy love triangle. Even though she had her doubts and concerns about finding a partner, she was enthusiastic that the experiment would work for her.
Delgado instantly became a fan-favorite participant due to her bubbly and funny personality. In a July 30, 2024 Instagram post, she introduced herself as:
"Hi, I'm Silvia! Curvy model and lover of life! I laugh at times when I shouldn't and VERY loudly, Want to know more? I can finally tell it officially! I was part of this Netflix experiment to find out if love is really blind. Do you want to know what happened?"
After the show premiered, the viewers were curious to know more about Silvia's personal life, career, age, and family. Keep reading to find out more details.
Everything you should know about Silvia Delgado from Love is Blind Mexico
1) She is 30 years old
The Love is Blind Mexico reality TV star is 30 years old who has more than 6000 followers on Instagram. She usually posts pictures and videos from her travel diaries, including pictures from different photoshoots. Delgado has made a name for herself in the fashion industry through modeling. Her Instagram handle (@silviaalejandramx) is a portfolio of the work she has done so far.
2) She is a model
Silvia Delgado has been open about her struggles of making it into the fashion industry due to the traditional standards. She started her journey back in 2017 and was later able to work with top photographers and agencies to strengthen her work portfolio. Until now, the Love is Blind Mexico star has collaborated with Liverpool Mexico and Amazon Mexico.
Her Instagram page also features branded deals. Recently, in April 2024, she attended the plus-sized clothing brand, Moda en Grande's event and talked about body positivity.
3) She got engaged to Chema Rivera
On Love is Blind Mexico, Silvia Delgado got engaged to Chema Rivera. Chema was confused about whether to choose between Alejandra Caletti or Silvia Delgado. He established a strong connection with both the cast members but later decided to propose Delgado as he felt more drawn towards her.
While getting to know each other, both Chema and Silvia bonded over a conversation of their fathers passing away. They lost their fathers due to an illness so this topic was a tough one to open up about. Unexpectedly, Chema as well as Silvia's dad had the same name. This made Chema realize that it couldn't just be a coincidence but a sign from the universe. So, he decided to get engaged to Delgado.
To see Silvia's journey on the show, stream Love is Blind Mexico exclusively on Netflix. Episode 5-8 are scheduled to release on August 8, 2024.