The Masked Singer season 12 premiered exclusively on FOX on September 25, 2024. In this singing competition series, contestants perform on stage by concealing their identity through masks. The judges make their guesses according to the clues provided, and then the eliminated contestants unmask themselves to reveal their true identities.
In episode 9, released on November 28, 2024, two cast members, the Royal Knight and Sherlock Hound, unmasked themselves. Sherlock Hound was revealed to be professional baseball pitcher Bronson Arroyo. Meanwhile, the Royal Knight was One Tree Hill star Jana Kramer. The synopsis of the episode reads:
"Celebrating the beloved Peanuts gang; the celebrities give Thanksgiving-themed clues and perform hits like "I Hope You Dance," "Holiday" and "Ho Hey," culminating in a Battle Royale and Double Elimination."
What happened on The Masked Singer season 12 episode 9?
On The Masked Singer season 12, episode 9, the Royal Knight performed Holiday by Madonna on stage. Her performance and her vocals hooked the audience. However, Royal Knight's clue of being the best-selling author made the judges make their own guesses. Ken guessed it was Kelly Ripa, but Rita thought Anna Faris was behind the mask.
On the other hand, Jenny and Robin guessed Jana Kramer and Busy Phillips, respectively. When it was time for the Royal Knight to reveal her true identity, the judges were shocked to see One Tree Hill star Jana Kramer. During her interview with Gold Derby on November 28, 2024, she shared how her experience was:
“The clues were a bit sad, but they were the unfortunate truth. Which I think made the costume be what it was. It felt great to armor up and go out there and sing and prove you can get through some tough times and still go out there and fight, have fun, and love.”
Another elimination took place in The Masked Singer season 12, episode 9, where Sherlock Hound was unmasked after losing against Strawberry Shortcake. Judge Robin guessed Bronson Arroyo as Rita thought Hozier was behind the mask. Jenny, on the other hand, took Scott Stapp's name.
It was a surprising twist when Robin's guess came true. Sherlock Hound revealed his identity as the professional baseball pitcher Bronson Arroyo. In a conversation with Gold Derby on November 28, 2024, he shared he was nervous about performing in this singing competition series.
“I was definitely nervous. Anytime you get in a position where you’re fighting for something, or just competing, it doesn’t matter if it’s playing jacks as a kid or ping-pong, you get a little competitive fire. I can definitely take a loss with the best of them, but you get nervous and you want to move on to the next round and do your best,” he said.
The upcoming episode will reveal more contestants to be unmasked as they face elimination.
Previous episodes of The Masked Singer season 12 are available on FOX. Viewers can follow the show's official Instagram account to stay updated with new episode teasers and sneak peeks.