AEW Dark Results: The Hardys wrestle in 10-man main event, Abadon picks up decisive win

Another big win for The Hardys in AEW
Another big win for The Hardys in AEW

This week's AEW Dark featured a 10-man main event that included Matt and Jeff Hardy. Other notable names on this week's episode included Penta Oscuro, Frankie Kazarian and Anna Jay.

Read on for full AEW Dark results.

Red Velvet vs. Dulce Tormenta on AEW Dark

Red Velvet got in a side headlock early, taking Dulce Tormenta down to the mat. The latter transitioned it into a leg scissors before Velvet broke free.

Tormenta with a roll-up attempt and a kick to the gut but Velvet hit back with a boot to the jaw. She took a moment too long to hit a suplex and Dulce Tormenta capitalized hitting a suplex of her own, followed by two more.

This was as good as it got for Tormenta. Velvet hit the double knees against the middle rope followed by a corkscrew kick across the jaw for the win.

Result: Red Velvet def. Dulce Tormenta on AEW Dark

Grade: B-

Serpentico vs. Lee Moriarty on AEW Dark

Serpentico jumped Lee Moriarty before the bell rang but couldn't get much of an advantage. Moriarty took Serpentico down to the mat and went for an early pin. Back elbows from Serpentico but Moriarty spun him around before taking him down with a clothesline.

Moriarty continued to dominate the match, hitting Serpentico with a modified backdrop followed by repeated knee strikes. He followed it with a running boot but Serpentico kicked out at two. A roll-up from Serpentico and he almost stole it. Moriarty then hit a Flatliner to pick up the win.

Result: Lee Moriarty def. Serpentico on AEW Dark

Grade: B

The Bunny and Raychell Rose vs. Anna Jay and Skye Blue on AEW Dark

The Bunny and Raychell Rose tried to blindside Anna Jay and Skye Blue but they both dodged it and struck back. Jay and The Bunny were legal as the match began.

Rose grabbed Jay from ringside, giving The Bunny the opening she needed. She hit a sliding elbow in the corner before elbowing Blue off the apron. Anna Jay with a roll-up and a backslide but she couldn't get the three-count.

The Bunny was back on top with a brutal knee strike but the ensuing cover barely got a two-count. She continued with chops in the corner but Jay tried to turn the tables. The Bunny hit Jay with a thumb to the eye and tagged Rose in. Anna Jay took Raychell Rose down almost immediately and tagged in Skye Blue.

Blue with a knee strike followed by a neckbreaker and a boot to the jaw but The Bunny broke up the cover. Jay tagged back in and locked in the Queenslayer, forcing Rose to tap almost immediately.

Result: Anna Jay and Skye Blue def. The Bunny and Raychell Rose on AEW Dark

Grade: B+

QT Marshall vs. Penta Oscuro on AEW Dark

Fans were firmly behind Penta Oscuro as the match began with dueling chants of "QT sucks" and "Cero Miedo". QT Marshall made a surprisingly strong start to the match and tied Penta's mask to the middle rope. Aaron Solo tried to hit a couple of cheapshots in but Alex Abrahantes quickly chased him away.

Penta hit back with a double stomp off the top rope but QT kicked out at two. QT looked rocky after his strong start to the match. Penta chopped QT across the chest before inviting the latter to hit him back.

More strikes from Penta but QT took him down with an enziguiri. Penta hit a superkick and went after QT's arm. Solo got on the apron but was booted off by Penta. With the referee distracted, Nick Comoroto hit Penta with a spear but QT couldn't get the three-count.

QT went for a moonsault but ate a superkick in midair. Penta then snapped QT's arm back and made the cover for the win.

Result: Penta Oscuro def. QT Marshall on AEW Dark

Grade: A

Charlette Renegade vs. Abadon

This match was short and all Abadon. Charlette Renegade tried a sunset flip at one point but Abadon blocked it. She followed it with a leaping leg drop followed by a sention. It was as good as over as Abadon hit the Black Dahlia to pick up the win.

Result: Abadon def. Charlotte Renegade on AEW Dark

Grade: C

Frankie Kazarian, Top Flight and The Hardys vs. Max Caster, Angelico, The Blade and Private Party - AEW Dark main event

Angelico and Frankie Kazarian started things off for their respective teams as the fans chanted "Delete". Kaz was at the top of his game, forcing Angelico to tag out. The Blade tagged in for the heels as Dante Martin tagged in on the other side. The Blade took Dante down briefly but he managed to tag his brother Darius. Double dropkick from Top Flight before Isiah Kassidy tagged in.

More back and forth between both teams until Matt Hardy and Max Caster came in as the legal men. Matt was all over Caster, sending him face-first into the turnbuckle. Jeff Hardy tagged in to a massive ovation and hit Caster with an elbow drop. Double back elbow by the Hardys followed by more double team action. The heels hit back, isolating Jeff Hardy away from his partners.

Jeff finally managed to tag Kazarian in as he took on both members of Private Party. Kaz followed it up with back-to-back legdrops to Angelico, The Blade and Caster. Darius Martin tagged in and hit a massive double dropkick on Marq Quen and Kassidy. Dante Martin then hit a tope suicida on Private Party out at ringside.

Things broke down at this point as the heels tried to isolate Darius but couldn't put him away. Quen went to hit Darius Martin with a brainbuster but he reversed.

Matt Hardy tagged him and hit Quen with a Twist of Fate. Jeff made the tag and hit the Swanton Bomb before pinning Quen for the win.

Result: Frankie Kazarian, Top Flight and The Hardys def. Max Caster, Angelico, The Blade and Private Party on AEW Dark

Grade: A

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