AEW Dynamite Results: Top star breaks character, Jon Moxley unmasks wrestler, Major title match

Jon Moxley tore open the mask of a popular AEW star.
Jon Moxley tore open the mask of a popular AEW star.

This week's edition of AEW Dynamite was headlined by members of The Dark Order facing The Elite in multi-man tag-team action. We also had a blockbuster match between Serena Deeb and Hikaru Shida. We also saw the AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament continue as Jon Moxley faced "10" of The Dark Order.

Also on the show, Sammy Guevara put the TNT Championship on the line against Ethan Page. If Guevara lost the match, he would be forced to leave The Inner Circle for good.

CM Punk was also in action tonight as he kicked off AEW Dynamite in a singles match against former WWE Superstar Bobby Fish.

Read on for full AEW Dynamite results:

CM Punk vs. Bobby Fish kicked off AEW Dynamite

CM Punk hit an elbow drop early, and Bobby Fish fought back with a chin lock. Punk retaliated with a scoop slam, followed by a second. The crowd chanted for a third, and Punk obliged. Fish then fought back with some offense of his own.

Bobby Fish was all over CM Punk as the match spilled out to ringside. Fish hit Punk with kicks on the floor before the match headed back into the ring. Both men were on the top turnbuckle, and Punk pushed Fish off.

The Straight Edge Superstar then hit a Flying Elbow Drop. Punk and Fish then started trading strikes in the middle of the ring. Bobby stopped Punk's momentum with another low kick.

Fish was working on CM Punk's knee. Punk then went to hit the GTS, but the former NXT star blocked it and hit a Dragon Screw. Punk then hit the GTS again, this time connecting with it, and pinned Fish to pick up the win.

Result: CM Punk def. Bobby Fish

Grade: B

MJF vs. Bryce Donovan on AEW Dynamite

MJF made light work of his opponent on AEW Dynamite, immediately hitting the Heatseeker to pick up the win.

Result: MJF def. Bryce Donovan

Grade: C

MJF took the mic after the match and said that he wasn't a fan of Boston. The Salt Of The Earth then took a shot at the people of Boston before turning his attention to Darby Allin. He said it makes sense they cheered for him because the people of Boston loved cheering for losers.

MJF then addressed Darby Allin's claim that he couldn't be mentally broken, saying that Allin was not too scared to show up to work. He then added that now that Darby Allin was out of his hair, he was going to set his sights on the World Title after Full Gear.

Sting's music hit, but it turned out to be another ploy by MJF. The lights went out at this point, and Sting appeared in the ring. He took out Wardlow and Shawn Spears with a baseball bat as MJF scrambled out to ringside. Darby was in the crowd and ran after MJF who retreated. Darby then turned his attention to Shawn Spears.

Allin then took a mic and confirmed we would see him face MJF at AEW Full Gear.

Sammy Guevara (C) vs Ethan Page on AEW Dynamite

Sammy Guevara charged towards the ring as soon as he came out on AEW Dynamite and was all over Ethan Page, tossing him into the timekeeper's area. Sammy then threw Page into the barricade before getting him into the ring as the match officially began.

Page looked like he finally found some momentum once the match began but Guevara took him down with a dropkick. Ethan hit back with knife-edged chops.

Sammy headed to the top rope but Page saw it coming and made the TNT Champion lose his footing. Ethan Page followed up with a backbreaker on the turnbuckle. Page continued to dominate the match during the ad break, hitting another backbreaker.

Sammy fought back with right hands before hitting a perfect springboard cutter. He followed it up with a Spanish Fly for a two-count. Page rolled out of the ring and the TNT Champ headed to the top rope, hitting a Shooting Star out to ringside.

Back in the ring, Ethan Page headed to the top rope and Sammy joined him on the top turnbuckle. Page then hit Sammy with a bodyslam off the top rope.

Page then went for Ego's Edge from the middle rope but Sammy ended up rolling him up for the win.

Result: Sammy Guevara def. Ethan Page

Grade: B+

Ethan Page attacked Sammy Guevara after the bell rang and Scorpio Sky ran out to join him in the assault. The rest of the Inner Circle came down to the ring to back Sammy up and chase Page and Sky away.

Chris Jericho took the mic after the match and announced that the Inner Circle's match against the Men of the Year and American Top Team would take place at AEW Full Gear and would be a Street Fight.

Lucha Brothers call out FTR on AEW Dynamite

The Lucha Brothers and Alex Abrahantes were backstage on AEW Dynamite with Tony Schiavone. Penta challenged FTR to a match at AEW Full Gear, putting their titles on the line.

Serena Deeb vs Hikaru Shida (TBS title tournament)

Serena Deeb started the match on top and was all over Shida, sending her knee into the ringpost. Shida then sent Deeb head-first into the ringpost and dragged her back into the squared circle.

Shida went for a knee-strike but missed her target, hitting the turnbuckle. Deeb immediately took her down with a chopblock. Serena went straight to work on Shida's knee.

Serena Deeb kept countering Shida's offense until the former AEW Women's Champion hit a German Suplex. Hikaru followed it up with a Running Knee Strike to the back of the head but it wasn't enough to put Deeb away.

Serena quickly took Shida down with an ankle pick but the former champion sent her crashing out to ringside. Shida then set up a chair at ringside but Deeb threw it away. Instead of using the chair, Shida launched herself off the steel steps and hit a dropkick.

Deeb quickly got back in control, slamming Shida's leg against the edge of the ring before locking in a Figure Four against the ringpost.

Back in the ring, Shida went for a Knee Strike but Deeb maneuvered into a single legged Boston Crab which she then transitioned into an inverted Figure 4 Leglock. Shida managed to crawl to the bottom rope and the ref broke the hold.

Deeb then went to hit Shida with the plaque but the Japanese star stopped her and tossed the plaque away. Deeb then poked her in the eyes and rolled her up. Shida reversed the roll-up to pick up the win.

Result: Hikaru Shida def. Serena Deeb

Grade: A

Serena Deeb didn't take kindly to losing and hit Shida with a chop block after the match. She then took a steel chair and unloaded on Shida's knee.

Serena Deeb then locked in the Serenity Lock as referees came down to the ring to get her to break the hold.

Jon Moxley vs 10 (AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament)

Jon Moxley was in control as the match began on AEW Dynamite, sending 10 crashing out to ringside and then into the steel steps. Moxley then tore apart 10's mask and bit him in the face. The Dark Order member was busted open but he still tried to fight back with a series of strikes and a running pump kick.

10's momentum didn't last long as Moxley took him down with a clothesline and immediately hit a Paradigm Shift to pick up the win.

Result: Jon Moxley def. 10

Grade: B-

Jon Moxley will now face Orange Cassidy in the semi-finals of the AEW World title Eliminator Tournament.

Cody Rhodes breaks character and says he won't "turn"

Cody said that he grew up in front of the fans. He said that he didn't deserve his wife or his daughter before saying that his brother was a Hall of Fame level competitor and was better than him.

Cody Rhodes then broke character and said that he would not turn because he loved the fans. He then apologized to members of the Nightmare Family before saying sorry to Arn Anderson and saying that it was an honor to stand in the ring with him.

Andrade then came out and slammed Cody and his 'stupid' tattoo. The lights went out as Andrade entered the ring and Malakai Black appeared. Malakai Black hit Cody with the mist and attacked him as Andrade and Jose went after Arn Anderson. PAC then came down to the ring and cleared it, forcing Andrade and Malakai Black to retreat.

The Super Elite vs The Dark Order on AEW Dynamite

We were in the Halloween spirit for the main event of this week's AEW DYnamite as The Elite came out dressed as The Ghostbusters while members of The Dark Order were also in costume.

Adam Cole and John Silver started things off. Omega and Evil Uno tagged in and the AEW World Champion was all over Uno. Matt Jackson tagged in and members of The Dark Order were all over him as things broke down.

We saw a triple bodyslam by members of The Dark Order before Cabana tagged in Stu Grayson. Adam Cole came in on the blind tag as Grayson hit Matt Jackson with a Tornado DDT.

Cole took Grayson down with a boot to the head and tagged in AEW World Champion Kenny Omega. Omega hammered Grayson with right hands before the Super Elite traded tags to work on the Dark Order member.

The Super Elite were in complete control at this stage of the match. Grayson did his best to weather the storm and took down Omega with a hurricanrana before hitting a Double Knee Strike to The Young Bucks.

Colt Cabana tagged in and hit a Moonsault off the middle rope before going for a cover. Adam Cole broke it up as Nick Jackson took Cabana down with a Superkick.

John Silver tagged in as the legal man and was all over members of The Super Elite, taking them down at ringside before eating a double superkick in the middle of the ring.

Omega hit John Silver with a Snapdragon but Stu Grayson broke up the cover. Things well and truly broke down at this stage as Matt Jackson accidentally took out the referee with a superkick. Jackson immediately capitalized with a low blow to Stu Grayson.

The Super Elite then stacked their Proton Packs in the middle of the ring and powerbombed Colt Cabana onto them. The rest of the Dark Order came down to the ring but were quickly swatted away. The top end of the horse ran down to the ring and it turned out to be Brandon Cutler.

The man in the Stay Puft costume turned out to be Hangman Page who took out The Super Elite. John Silver then hit Matt Jackson with the Spin Doctor and pinned him to pick up the win.

Result: The Dark Order def. The Super Elite

Grade: C

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