AEW Rampage Results: Bryan Danielson cuts a fiery promo, top stars retain titles, major heel turn

Rampage had a fun show lined up for tonight
Rampage had a fun show lined up for tonight

Welcome to the results for this week's edition of AEW Rampage. The show featured four matches, including a title match.

So without further ado, let's begin:

Bryan Danielson puts Daniel Garcia on notice on AEW Rampage

Bryan Danielson came out to the ring for an interview with Tony Schiavone. Danielson said he will never be 100%, but that won't stop him from wrestling. The American Dragon then added that his career wouldn't end this Wednesday against Daniel Garcia.

Garcia came out and said he is a fan of Danielson and called him his "hero." He said Bryan Danielson makes excuses and vowed to end the former WWE Superstar's career. Garcia added that he will be called the "best technical sports entertainer."

Danielson told Garcia to stop the "sports entertainment bullsh*t" and asked whether the latter wanted to be the best technical sports entertainer or the best technical wrestler. He then left the ring to end the segment.

Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo vs. Dante Martin and Skye Blue on AEW Rampage (AAA World Mixed Tag Team Championship match)

The match started with a brawl between all the four competitors. Tay Melo was tagged in, and, so was Skye Blue. Melo turned around to kiss Sammy Guevara but was hit with a crossbody by Blue.

Melo made a comeback with a neck-crank and got a two-count. Blue tried to get some offense in, but Guevara tripped her and Melo hit her with a kick. After the commercial break, Martin and Guevara are tagged in.

Martin dropped Guevara to the outside at this point. Melo ran a distraction which allowed Guevara to enter the ring again. Dante Martin hit a Canadian Destroyer on Sammy Guevara to get a two-count.

Skye Blue and Tay Melo are the legal competitors at this point, and the latter hit the Tay-KO to get a pinfall victory.

Result: Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo retain their titles on AEW Rampage

Grade: A

Parker Boudreaux vs. Sonny Kiss on AEW Rampage

Parker Boudreaux made a fast start in this match. Boudreaux hit a chokeslam on Sonny Kiss and followed it up with a sideslam to get a quick pinfall victory.

Result: Parker Boudreaux defeat Sonny Kiss on Rampage

Grade: N/A

The Gunn Club vs. Eric Redbeard and Danhausen on AEW Rampage

Eric Redbeard and Colten Gunn started the match for their respective teams. Redbeard hit a dropkick on Colten and followed it up with a running crossbody on The Gunn Club outside the ring.

Redbeard tagged in Danhausen. Austin Gunn was dominating him, but he made the tag to the former WWE Superstar. Eric Redbeard with a kick on Austin, and he went for a pin attempt, but Colten broke it up.

Billy Gunn caused a distaction, and Austin hit the Fameasser on the legal man, Danhausen, to get the victory for his team.

Result: The Gunn Club defeat Eric Redbeard and Danhausen on AEW Rampage

Grade: B+

Stokely Hathaway gave The Gunn Club his business card after Billy Gunn told his sons to prove themselves.

Hook promo on AEW Rampage

Hook came out for an interview with Tony Schiavone. He was asked whether he would hold open challenges for the FTW Championship and the champion answered yes.

Zack Clayton came out to confront Hook, and a title match was confirmed for next week's Rampage

Orange Cassidy vs. Ari Daivari on AEW Rampage

The main event of the night was between Orange Cassidy and Ari Daivari. The latter told Cassidy to lie down to end it quickly. Freshly Squeezed did so, but he rolled out of the ring.

Daivari had an early advantage until both men clashed in the ring with clotheslines of their own. After a back-and-forth between the two, Cassidy hit thrust kick and followed it up with a DDT on his opponent. He hit the Orange Punch to get the pinfall victory.

Result: Orange Cassidy defeat Ari Daivari on AEW Rampage

Grade: B

Post-match, Parker Boudreaux confronted Orange Cassidy. Sonny Kiss came out, but hit a low blow on Cassidy. Boudreaux then decimated the Best Friends member inside the ring.

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