AEW Rampage Results: Former WWE General Manager shows respect to 25-year old AEW star, Bryan Danielson faces former NJPW star (8th March 2022)

AEW Rampage was a memorable show this week.
AEW Rampage was a memorable show this week.

AEW Rampage boasted of many promising matches this week, with Jon Moxley colliding against Wheeler Yuta and Bryan Danielson taking on Trent Beretta. Apart from that, Red Velvet and Willow Nightingale met in the Owen Hart Tournament's qualifying match. Lastly, Shane 'Swerve' Strickland hoped to find back his winning ways in a clash against QT Marshall.

Bryan Danielson vs. Trent Beretta on AEW Rampage

The match started with the performers going back and forth, with William Regal putting over Beretta in the commentary box. The American Dragon unleashed a series of chops on his opponent, but soon Beretta hit a suplex to turn the tide. The action soon spilled to the outside, where Danielson hit a kick to Trent Beretta's midsection.

However, just when the former WWE Champion went for the Tope Suicida, the Best Friends member took him down with another suplex. Moments later, The American Dragon sent Beretta face-first crashing into the steel steps. Back from the commercial break, Danielson was in the driver's seat.

The former WWE Champion went to the top rope, with Beretta following him, from where he took down Danielson with a superplex. Both performers were now trading brutal chops, after which Danielson locked Beretta in the Dragon Sleeper.

Moments later, Trent Beretta took down his opponent with a swinging DDT for a close count. Both performers again went to the top rope, from where Trent Beretta countered Bryan Danielson's suplex attempt by landing on top of his opponent for another count. The Best Friends member then hit a lariat for another close count.

A few seconds later, Danielson found his way back into the match by hitting a running knee, following it up with a Gotch-style piledriver. He then applied a new submission maneuver by twisting Trent's neck for the win on AEW Rampage.

Bryan Danielson defeated Trent Beretta

Grade: A -

Danhausen tried to curse Hook in a backstage segment, but it didn't work out, as the latter walked away after dropping his packet of chips.

Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti interrupted TNT Champion Scorpio Sky, who was accompanied by Dan Lambert and Ethan Page. Guevara and Conti called Lambert a 'sexist.' Page claimed that the couple was a 'PA disaster' for AEW waiting to happen. The Spanish God and Tay Conti reiterated that they wanted a match with American Top Team.

QT Marshall vs. Shane Strickland on AEW Rampage

Shane Strickland quickly gained an advantage in the match on AEW Rampage thanks to his speed and agility. Back from the commercial break, The Factory leader hit Strickland with a big elbow, but the latter quickly recovered and hit a Flatliner and followed it by kicking Marshall's head for the win.

Shane Strickland defeated QT Marshall

Grade: C

Post-match, Ricky Starks challenged Shane Strickland to a tag team match on next week's AEW Dynamite, pitting him and Powerhouse Hobbs against Strickland and Keith Lee.

Red Velvet vs. Willow Nightingale on AEW Rampage

Nightingale countered Velvet's speed with her sheer strength. Nightingale then hit a suplex and a senton for a close count. She next took to the top rope, from where she attempted a moonsault, but Red Velvet escaped just in time. This finally gave Velvet an opening in the match as she hit a kick for a pinfall.

Willow Nightingale then hit a Spinebuster for another close count. Both performers then traded multiple elbow strikes. Red Velvet finally hit the corkscrew kick out of nowhere to win on AEW Rampage.

Red Velvet defeated Willow Nightingale on AEW Rampage

Grade: B

Mark Sterling interrupted Tony Nese's interview in a backstage segment and offered the latter to become his client, promising to deliver the right legal expertise.

Jon Moxley vs. Wheeler Yuta on AEW Rampage

Wheeler Yuta attacked Moxley even before the match started on AEW Rampage. The action soon spilled amidst the crowd, where both performers brawled.

Once they got back into the ring, Jon Moxley hit a suplex on Yuta, followed by a Vertical Suplex. The former AEW Champion then sent the ROH Pure Champion over the top rope. On the outside, Moxley used the steel stairs to attack Wheeler Yuta, with the latter bleeding profusely by this time.

Back from the break, Yuta unleashed a few chops on Moxley, after which he went to the top and delivered a dive on the latter through the timekeeper's table. Back inside the ring, Wheeler Yuta hit multiple German suplexes and followed it up with a backdrop. Yuta then took to the top rope and hit a splash on the former AEW Champion for a two-count.

Jon Moxley then hit a brutal King Kong Lariat for a close count. Mox then bit Yuta's open wound and hit a Paradigm Shift, but Yuta kicked out at two, leaving Moxley and the fans stunned. Moxley then locked Wheeler Yuta in a Bulldog Choke, with Wheeler Yuta refusing to kick out. Moments later, the former Best Friends member locked Moxley in a Bulldog Choke, but the latter countered it and hammered Yuta with vicious elbow shots.

Mox then hit an elevated Paradigm Shift on Wheeler Yuta, but the latter kicked out again. Moxley quickly turned it into a Bulldog Choke, with the ROH Pure Champion passing out.

Jon Moxley defeated Wheeler Yuta on AEW Rampage

Grade: A ++

Post-match, Bryan Danielson and William Regal entered the ring. The former NXT General Manager offered a handshake to Wheeler Yuta, which the latter accepted.

This week's AEW Rampage was one of the best in recent memory, as it included two memorable matches. The standout match was between Moxley and Wheeler Yuta, who tore the house down in a classic encounter.

Grade: A

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