F1: 5 Talking Points from Canadian Grand Prix 2019

It was an awkward post-race podium after everything that had transpired in the race
It was an awkward post-race podium after everything that had transpired in the race

Canadian Grand Prix ended in what were controversial circumstances. In the view of many, this was a blot on F1 as a race which could have been remembered as a scene of an epic battle between two legends of the sport saw a well-deserved race victory taken away. A race which should have been the point where Ferrari finally notched up a victory just became a scene of another of Lewis Hamilton's victories.

The rest of the grid showed an impressive return to form for Renault as they put together their best result for the season while Lance Stroll brought his racing point home in 9th place in what was an admirable drive from the Canadian. As Formula One dusts itself off and moves to France, let's look back at 5 talking points after the Canadian Grand Prix.

#1 The only luck Vettel seems to have is bad luck

Vettel was furious at the penalty dished out to him
Vettel was furious at the penalty dished out to him

A couple of moments that happened in the last two races had the potential to turn the form book upside down. In Monaco, Lewis and Max made contact when Max was finally able to make a move. Fortuitously, both come out of it safely and Lewis takes the victory. What if the damage had been terminal? We would have seen Vettel at the top of the podium with an improbable win and cutting the gap to Lewis by 25 points. Fast forward to Canada and a hoax of a penalty takes the victory away from Seb and hands it to Lewis.

If that was not the case there would have been another 7 point swing in Vettel's favor and the championship which seems to be wrapped up and on the way to Lewis' address would have had two able contenders nearby on points. But sadly that's not to be. There have been many points in the last couple of years when Luck has seemed to drown Vettel at the worst of moments. Be it the rain in Hungary Last year or be it the rain in Hockenheim. It does seem that the crucial rub of the green just seems to desert Vettel at crucial points.

#2 Lewis has the title in the bag

Lewis has a huge advantage in points over his competition
Lewis has a huge advantage in points over his competition

It might be too early to say this but it does look like Lewis has sealed the deal after the win in Canada. Valtteri Bottas was never going to be a Challenge for Lewis when it came to a season-long battle. He seems to have gotten back to his old habits off late as well. For Lewis with a car as good as the one he has, there's hardly any challenge for him.

Sure Ferrari might swoop a win or two here and there at Monza or Spa but the downforce advantage that Mercedes have, Lewis will be the man to beat everywhere. To add to it, Lewis seems to have the lady luck smile at him more often than not. The win in Monaco could have ended when he had contact with Max but he got through, then the fortuitous win at Canada while his teammate had an off-day. Lewis seems to have everything under control right now.

#3 Vettel shows his class

Sebastian Vettel truly was the driver of the weekend at Canada
Sebastian Vettel truly was the driver of the weekend at Canada

Remember Bahrain Grand Prix? Every F1 Pundit and written off Sebastian Vettel after he spun around while battling with Lewis yet again. Many believed that was it for Vettel and in many races, it looked like it as Leclerc seemed to have the better speed at Baku and other races. The thing is, It was always Vettel who stuck around and scratched and clawed to race results.

He clearly says he's not yet comfortable with the car and he's not entirely confident driving it. But in Canada, yet again, despite not looking entirely comfortable, he drove the car to the pole and was much faster than Leclerc who has started to show that he's still a work in progress. Despite a scratchy start, over the season it does look like Vettel will again end up as the Lewis' only adversary as Bottas goes back to his old ways.

#4 Gasly gets shown up yet again

Gasly finished the race behind both the Renaults in the race
Gasly finished the race behind both the Renaults in the race

Pierre Gasly qualified P5 at Canada behind Daniel Ricciardo's Renault. He finished the race P8 behind both the Renaults and his teammate. In a weekend where Gasly rubbished rumors of Red Bull racing thinking about replacing him with Hulkenberg, he didn't do himself any favors by finishing behind both the Renaults in a Red Bull that is easily a quicker car.

It's 7 races now and the F1 circus rolls on to Gasly's home Grand Prix in two weeks time. Will this be the moment when Gasly finally breaks the shackles? If he doesn't then you have to think how long will Red Bull's patience last with him. Especially when the man his seat is linked to just beat him in a much inferior car. For Gasly, surely the time is running out.

#5 Renault is Back!

It was a great result for the Black and Yellow colored team
It was a great result for the Black and Yellow colored team

The Renault that has been promised ever since the pre-season finally turned up at Canada. It was the best of the rest at Canada but what stood out was Renault's speed in a straight line which is a clear indicator of the improvements that the team has been claiming about their engine.

Both the drivers were able to comfortably keep Bottas in a Mercedes behind them for a considerable time and while Gasly found it tough to overtake Stroll in a Red Bull, Ricciardo just breezed by him without much trouble. With this result, Renault jumps to P5 in the standings and just two points behind Mclaren. The result here is what makes the next raft of upgrades at France all the more interesting. If they work, it can propel them clear of the midfield which was the target for Renault before the season began

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