5 Back Superset Exercises for Men to Build Stronger Back  

Back superset exercises to add strength and mass. (Photo by mob alizadeh on Unsplash)
Back superset exercises to add strength and mass (Photo via Unsplash/mob alizadeh)

Back superset exercises are of utmost importance if you want to strengthen and build your back. However, before you begin with supersets, you must understand what supersets are and how you can benefit by doing them.

A superset is a type of set where two exercises are performed back-to-back with minimal to no rest in between. Ideally, it should be done without any rest. You must complete all the reps of the first exercise before moving to the next.

There are many types of supersets, but the most advanced ones are compound sets. These involve two compound exercises that end up becoming exceedingly challenging yet help provide volume and intensity to the muscle group.

To ensure you're able to add volume and intensity, the first compound exercise can be a heavy set, while the second can be a lightweight one with more reps to attain intensity.

Back Superset Exercises to Build Mass

Here are five back superset exercises that can help men build a strong back along with boosting mass and strength:

1) Pull-up + Back Extension

Bodyweight back exercises are a must if you want to add mass to your muscle groups. Two of the best bodyweight exercises that activate all the lat muscles - small and big - are pull-ups and extensions.

Some gyms may not have back extension benches or machines. In such cases, you can try cable pull-throughs or deadlifts (if you’re an advanced weightlifter). Pull-ups help activate the upper and middle back, while extensions help activate the lower back muscles.


2) Lat Pulldown + Close Grip Pulldown

If you have access to a lat pulldown machine, you should try to include it in your workout routine.

A combination of a wide grip and close grip pulldown allows you to work on the wider part of your lats, as well as the entire middle and lower back. You must ensure that your back is as straight and stable as possible during the pulldowns.


3) Chest Supported Row + Double Arm Dumbbell Row

Chest supported rows and double-arm rows help with working each side separately. It’s an important set of back superset exercises, as each exercise allows you to focus on each side, which in turn, helps fix muscle and strength imbalance.

Instead of doing both sides at the same time, you can choose to do one side at a time. Nevertheless, complete the entire superset for one side before moving to the other.


4) Standing Row + Straight Arm Pulldown

Some back superset exercises can be used as finisher exercises. That means these exercises can help with completely fatiguing the muscles and forcing the muscle fibers to grow back thicker and stronger after they recover.

Interestingly, you can do both standing rows and straight arm pulldowns using a cable pulley machine. However, you need to adjust the anchor to the bottom when you do standing rows. Put the anchor towards the top for straight arm pulldowns.


5) Face Pull + Reverse Fly

Back superset exercises focus on rear delts, which are an important part of the back and shoulder muscles.

Ideally, face pulls need to be done using a cable pulley machine, while reverse fly can be the pec dec machine, dumbbells, or even cables. That depends on what you find easier and feasible to do at the gym.


Bottom Line

To become bigger and muscular, it’s important to train with variation. However, it’s crucial to get the basics right, focus on nutrition and hydration, and take enough rest.

You must be on a calorie-surplus diet to put on mass. If you’re on a calorie deficit, you will be able to put on lean mass but not necessarily bigger.

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