6 Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat and Slow aging

These exercises will help you get rid of belly fat and slow down aging! (Image via Unsplash/Anastase Maragos)
Exercises to get rid of belly fat and slow down aging (Image via Unsplash/Anastase Maragos)

Achieving that perfect body is possible with the right diet and exercise. Looking good as you get older can be difficult, but you can offset the effects of aging with some simple exercises.

Taking care of your fitness is no easy task, but it's definitely worth it. We've got a wide list of exercises that can help you achieve your goals.

Exercises to Lose Belly Fat and Slow Aging

Here's a look at six such poses:

#1 Push-up

The push-up is a great exercise for the chest and arms. While it's a simple motion, there are several variations that make it more challenging.

It's done as follows:

  • Place your hands directly below your shoulders, and spread your legs apart so that they form a 'V' shape.
  • Your body should form an inverted 'V' shape from head to toe; keep your back straight at all times during the exercise.
  • Bend your elbows to lower yourself till your nose almost touches the ground (but don't touch it!).
  • Push back up as quickly as possible till you're in the original position with straight arms again to complete one rep.
  • Make sure not to lock out your knees at any point during this exercise—doing so makes it easier than it should be.
  • Try doing fewer reps with each set of push-ups to increase the difficulty over time, or use one hand instead of two for an even greater challenge (you will have less stability).


#2 Plank

Planks are a great way to strengthen the core and back muscles. If you're looking for an exercise that can help you get rid of belly fat, this is it.

You can do planks anywhere and any time. Just make sure to keep your back straight while holding the position for at least 30 seconds.


#3 Running

Running is one of the best exercises for getting fit and losing weight. It's also good for the heart and lungs, and it can help prevent diseases like diabetes or high blood pressure in the long term.

Running is easy on the joints, which makes it a great exercise if you're overweight and have joint problems. As running takes just one hour per week, there's no excuse not to get started now.


You don't need special equipment to run; all you need are some sneakers and a large open space (or a treadmill). Runners who live in cities often use treadmills at gyms, as they allow runners to train indoors when the weather isn't good enough (or when the runenrs are injured).

#4 Squat

Squatting is an awesome exercise because it uses many of the same muscles that help us bend sideways (the hip flexors) as well as backward (the lower back).

However, unlike most other exercises that work these two muscle groups together simultaneously—like running or step climbing—squats put heavy emphasis on strengthening one set at a time.

When you bend forward in a squat, you engage either the hip flexors or the lower back while also toning up your abs. That can give you added power to combat bulging waistlines if you do squats every day with good form.

Squats work the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. To do this exercise:

  • Hold your arms out in front of you for balance, and slowly lower yourself down till your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • If that's too difficult at first, place a chair in front of you so that when you bend over, it acts as resistance.


#5 Bicycle Crunch

Bicycling is a great exercise for the lower body, and it's easy to do.

Here's how to do it:

  • Lie on a mat with your back straight. Place your feet flat on the floor in front of you, hip-width apart.
  • Bend at the waist so that you're in an upright position. Your arms should be straight out to your sides and parallel with the floor, palms facing down. This is the starting position for this move; hold for one second before moving to the next step.
  • Raise both legs up to about 45 degrees from the vertical (you may need to bend slightly at first).
  • Slowly bring them back down as far as they can go without touching anything. They will be in front of you where they started in step 1.
  • Repeat 15 times per set and three sets in total per day.


#6 Pull-up

Pull-ups are an excellent way to build upper body strength, increase metabolism, and boost mental toughness.

In addition, pull-ups are a great exercise for anyone with bad shoulders or back problems, as it puts less stress on those joints.

To do a pull-up:

  • Hang from a bar with hands shoulder-width apart and slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Lift yourself up tillyour chin is above the bar before slowly lowering yourself back down till your arms are completely straightened out again.
  • The more repetitions you do in a set (8-10), the harder this exercise will be.



There you have it — six of the best exercises to lose belly fat and slow down aging.

It becomes increasingly harder to maintain your physique as you age, but it isn't impossible to look great even when you're older. By following the aforementioned workout routine, you can reduce your risk of contracting disease and improve your health while looking great at the same time.

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