6 Best Lower Ab Exercises for Women

Lower ab exercises help in achieving toned abs. (Image via Unsplash/ Jonathan Borba)
Lower ab exercises help in achieving toned abs. (Image via Unsplash/Jonathan Borba)

Lower ab exercises can help you get a rock-solid core and also aid in abdominal fat reduction.

People frequently visualize a six-pack in their midsection or lines that run down the sides when they think of a strong core. However, to get rock-solid abdominals, you need to exercise every layer of the core muscles, including the lower abs.

Along with helping you achieve a six-pack, strengthening your lower abs can also reduce lower back pain and also aid with posture. However, lower abs are renowned for being challenging to tone.

The rectus abdominis muscles are the focus of the finest lower abdominal exercises, so you can see results quickly.

Best Lower Ab Exercises

Here’s a list of the six best lower ab exercises women must include in their workout routine:

1) V-sit

V-sit is a lower ab exercise that challenges your balance while working different parts of the core to strengthen your abs.



  • Start by sitting down and placing your hands and feet on the ground.
  • Slowly stretch your legs to form a 45-degree angle with your body while tightening your abdominal muscles.
  • If it feels comfortable, extend your arms straight forward or up towards your shins.
  • Throughout the movement, make sure to maintain a strong spine and proper core posture, and refrain from hunching your shoulders. Although it's normal to hold your breath, keep breathing.
  • Start by maintaining this position for a few seconds till your body becomes tired. You'll be able to maintain the position for a longer period as you get used to the movement.
  • Maintain abdominal engagement, and slowly reposition yourself to the starting position.
  • Before letting go of your body and leaving the position, stop, and hold the position for a few seconds.

2) Pilates Scissor

Pilates scissor is an excellent lower ab exercise for working the obliques, as well as the upper and lower abs.



  • Begin on your back, with legs bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • In an upside-down position, lift your hips off the floor while pulling your legs up to your chest.
  • With your elbows directly beneath your hips, grab the back of your pelvis with your hands.
  • Maintaining a straight line with your legs, extend your hips and legs.
  • Stretch out your legs, and move them apart like in scissor blades. Keep the overhead leg from extending too much.
  • Repeat the scissor motion six times per set.

3) Reverse Crunch

Crunches are frequently visualized when people think of lower ab exercises. These gentle abdominal workouts work both the lower and upper abs.



  • Your palms should be facing the floor as you lie face up, with your arms by your sides.
  • Make a 90-degree angle between your hips and knees by bending your knees.
  • Lift your hips off the ground while bringing your knees up to your chest, engaging your lower abdomen.
  • To keep your lower abs engaged, descend back down to the starting position as slowly as you can.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.

4) Toe Touch

For those who are at ease with basic workouts and desire a greater challenge, the toe touch is a fabulous lower ab exercise. It incorporates components from several lower ab workouts, so it's easy to go on to other workouts once you've done this one.



  • Laying on your back on the ground, an exercise mat, or a towel is a good place to start. Your feet should be firmly placed on the ground, with your knees bent.
  • Straighten your legs so that they are parallel to your body, and lift them off the ground. Flex your toes away from the body..
  • Raise your shoulders and head off the ground as you raise your hands towards your toes. Return your upper body and hands to the ground.

5) Straight Leg Raise

This lower ab exercise works the abdominal muscles as well as thigh muscles.



  • Lie face up with your hands on the floor and arms by your sides.
  • When your legs are straight and at a 90-degree angle, brace your core, and slowly lift them off the ground.
  • Bring your legs back down to the ground gradually.

6) Hollow Body Hold

This is one of the best lower ab exercises. The holding position strengthens the upper as well as lower abs.



  • Lie face up with your legs extended and arms by your sides.
  • Lift your shoulders and knees off the ground while focusing on your abs.
  • Hover your legs off the ground while keeping your lower back pressed onto the floor.
  • For 30 seconds, maintain this posture.


By performing the aforementioned workouts regularly, your lower abs should start to get stronger and look better. Make sure both strength training and cardiovascular exercise are part of your workout programme. A healthy, nutrient-rich diet can also help you build a strong, defined core.

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