Best calisthenics workouts to burn fat

Calisthenics workouts are done without any weights, only on your bodyweight (Image via Pexels @Rodnae Productions)
Calisthenics workouts are done without any weights. (Image via Pexels/Rodnae Productions)

Calisthenics workouts are becoming increasingly popular nowadays. They are, in fact, very effective in building muscle and increasing strength when paired with a high protein diet.

Calisthenics workouts are a form of strength training that use the resistance of the body and gravity to strengthen the muscles and improve mobility, stamina and coordination. Most common bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups and pullu-ps are calisthenics workouts.

Calisthenics workouts can be simple or advanced. They can complement different training styles or can be done all on their own for muscle strength. The beauty of this type of workout is that you can perform the exercises at any time and in any location, be it your own home, hotel room or even the outdoors.

What is calisthenics?

Calisthenics exercises can be done anywhere (Image via Pexels/Rodnae Productions)
Calisthenics exercises can be done anywhere (Image via Pexels/Rodnae Productions)

Calisthenics is an exercise method in which you perform the exercises using only your bodyweight as resistance.

There are many parallels to be drawn with free-weight exercises performed in a gym. The key difference is that you will need to figure out how to use your bodyweight to achieve varying degrees of intensity that are appropriate for targeting specific muscle groups.

Calisthenics exercises are excellent for enhancing strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination when you either cannot or do not wish to visit a gym.

Calisthenics vs weights

Instead of using external weights like dumbbells, barbells, medicine balls, kettlebells or gym machines, calisthenics relies on your bodyweight as resistance.

Calisthenics and weight training are both excellent ways to gain muscle mass and strength, and they can be done independently or in tandem. It's important to tailor your exercise routine to your specific fitness objectives, available resources and personal preferences.

Gains can be made in strength training by increasing the weight you lift over time through a process called progressive overload; in calisthenics, improvement can be made by moving on to more difficult exercises. Once you've gotten the hang of regular push-ups, you can progress to more difficult variations like spider push-ups, decline push-ups, traveling push-ups and plyo push-ups.

Calisthenics workouts for beginners

Calisthenics are generally upgraded by increasing difficulty level or duration. (Image via Pexels.Rodnae Productions)
Calisthenics are generally upgraded by increasing difficulty level or duration. (Image via Pexels.Rodnae Productions)

There are many calisthenics workouts at home that you can easily do. Check them out below:

1) Burpee

Burpees are excellent as a full body workout, (Image via Pexels/Li Sun)
Burpees are excellent as a full body workout, (Image via Pexels/Li Sun)

This is one of the best calisthenics workouts for beginners, that effectively increases heart rate and works out the entire body.


  • Keep your weight on your heels and your arms by your sides as you stand facing forward.
  • Squat down by bending your knees and thrusting the hips back.
  • In front of you, with palms down, keep your hands slightly closer together than you are with your feet.
  • In a straight plank position, put your weight into your hands, and jump your feet back, landing softly on the balls of your feet.
  • Don't slouch or let your bottom hang out. Put your feet next to your hands by jumping forward.
  • Throw your arms high above your head, and spring into the air.

2) Squat jump

Squat jumps are an essential bodyweight exercise for everyone .(Image via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
Squat jumps are an essential bodyweight exercise for everyone .(Image via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

Squat jumps are one of the best calisthenics exercises to include in your workout regimen. They help work out the quads, hips, glutes and basically the entire lower body.


  • In a standard standing position, your feet should be hip-width apart and directly under the shoulders as you face forward.
  • Spread your toes just a little bit, and spread your feet a few inches apart.
  • Bend your knees, and lower your body into a squat by bringing your hips back and down.
  • You should stand with your chest out, and head and face forward.
  • Squat down as far as you can, and explode up into a powerful jump.
  • Never squat with your knees out in front of your toes, as that places unnecessary stress on the kneecaps. Your knees may get hurt by doing that.

3) Push-up

Push-ups help build upper body muscle. (Image via Pexels/Mike Gonzalez)
Push-ups help build upper body muscle. (Image via Pexels/Mike Gonzalez)

Push-ups are one of the best calisthenics workouts that help build the upper body muscles.


  • Put your hands under and slightly outside your shoulders, and get down on your knees.
  • Get into the plank position by extending your legs and supporting your body with the arms.
  • Don't slouch or let your bottom hang out.
  • The chest should be lowered till italmost touches the floor as you bend your elbows in towards your body.
  • When your upper body is in the lower push-up position, the upper arms should form a 45-degree angle.
  • You should pause briefly while in the lowered position, and quickly push back up to the starting position.
  • Hold a flexed core position throughout the entire exercise.

Research suggests that the fitness benefits of calisthenics are comparable to that of weight training. Calisthenics has many benefits over weight training exercises, the most obvious being that you only need your body to do it.

To get started with calisthenics workouts, consider your current fitness and experience level. If you've never worked out before, it's best to begin with simpler calisthenics workouts, but if you're an experienced exerciser who wants to push yourself, you can skip straight to the more difficult ones.

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