Can Weight Loss Pills Cause Hair Loss? What You Need to Know

Can weight loss pills cause hair loss? (Image via unsplash / diana polekhina)
Can weight loss pills cause hair loss? (Image via unsplash / diana polekhina)

Weight loss pills are a popular option for people who want to lose weight quickly and easily. However, some people have reported experiencing hair loss while taking these pills. In this article, we will explore whether weight loss pills can cause hair loss and what you need to know about the potential side effect.

What are Weight Loss Pills?

Consult your doctor before consuming these pills. (Image via unsplash / michal parzuchowski)
Consult your doctor before consuming these pills. (Image via unsplash / michal parzuchowski)

It is a type of medication that's used to help people lose weight. These supplements can be taken alone or in combination with other lifestyle changes, such as dieting and exercise. They're often recommended for people who need an extra boost in their efforts to shed pounds.

These pills are not recommended for people who have a history of heart disease. However, if you do have this condition and still wish to try one out, make sure that your doctor approves before doing so.

How Can Weight Loss Drugs Cause Hair Loss?

Some pills might cause hair loss. (Image via unsplash / towfiqu barbhuiya)
Some pills might cause hair loss. (Image via unsplash / towfiqu barbhuiya)

The exact mechanism by which weight loss pills can cause hair loss is not fully understood. However, some weight loss pills contain ingredients that can disrupt the normal functioning of the body and lead to hair loss.

Some pills, such as phentermine, are stimulants that can increase the production of stress hormones such as cortisol. High levels of cortisol have been linked to hair loss.

These pills disrupt the hormonal balance. (Image via unsplash / towfiqu barbhuiya)
These pills disrupt the hormonal balance. (Image via unsplash / towfiqu barbhuiya)

Some may cause nutritional deficiencies that can lead to hair loss. For example, orlistat, pills that block the absorption of fat in the digestive system, can also block the absorption of certain essential nutrients such as fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin D and vitamin E. These nutrients are important for healthy hair growth, and a deficiency can lead to hair loss.

Another way weight loss pills can cause hair loss is by disrupting the hormonal balance in the body. Some weight loss pills can affect the levels of hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, and thyroid hormones. Imbalances in these hormones have been linked to hair loss.

What Is the Best Way to Deal With Weight Loss Pill-Related Hair Loss?

Regular workout and eating right can help. (Image via pexels / skitterphoto)
Regular workout and eating right can help. (Image via pexels / skitterphoto)

Talk to your doctor. They can help you figure out what's going on, and if the weight loss pill is causing the hair loss.

Make sure you are eating healthy and exercising regularly. This will help keep your body in good shape overall, which can improve any side effects of using a weight loss pill.

Get enough sleep! Sleep deprivation can make every aspect of life worse, including how healthy our bodies look and feel. So make sure that when you're not sleeping well at night, it isn't because of stress or anxiety related to taking supplements like these pills!

It's important to keep in mind that weight loss pills are not the only cause of hair loss. There are many other factors that can cause this, including genetics and stress. If you are taking this pill and experiencing hair loss as a side effect, it is recommended to talk with your doctor about alternatives that may be safer for your body type or lifestyle needs.

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