Experiencing Turf Toes? Here's everything you need to know about it

Turf toe (Image by Freepik on Freepik)
Turf toe (Image by Freepik on Freepik)

Turf toes are quite a common phenomenon for us to experience when we are regularly involved in sports which demand extra strength in the foot. Turf toes occur when there is a sprain to the largest joint in the big toe, which is the metatarsophalangeal joint also known as MTP.

This condition can affect many players in various types of sports like football, basketball, and ballet. Games that include turf create higher chances for the players to get turf toes.

In this article, we will discuss about the causes, symptoms, and the basic treatment options for turf toes.

What are the causes of turf toes?

What causes turf toes? (Image by Freepik on Freepik)
What causes turf toes? (Image by Freepik on Freepik)

When we play sports that require an excess use of the feet, it is common for the feet to get high pressure. Now this extra stress on the feet causes the overextension of the big toe towards the foot.

This, in general, affects the tissues around it, which, in turn, causes pain. Turf toes can affect sesamoids, which are the two small bones that help in the absorption of the weight of the body.

Moreover, due to the overextension of the big toe, the ligaments and the tendons are also affected, which can further contribute to worsening your turf toe situation.

Symptoms of turf toes

Symptoms related to it (Image by katemangostar on Freepik)
Symptoms related to it (Image by katemangostar on Freepik)

The first and foremost symptom of the same is pain in the big toe area, especially the joint extending towards the ankle. Further, this pain can be affected based on your movement.

Swelling, lack of mobility, and stiffness in the toe joint are some of the common symptoms that can be seen when there are problems in the toe.

In addition to this, the athlete may observe a popping sound along with the pain, marking the presence of a turf toe.

How can you treat turf toes?

Diagnosis and treatment is quite important for better performance of the player. (Image by Freepik on Freepik)
Diagnosis and treatment is quite important for better performance of the player. (Image by Freepik on Freepik)

If you are suffering from turf toes, it is better to get medical attention as soon as possible as delaying it will only increase the suffering and pain. So it is better to get it checked by the medical professional.

They might ask you to get an MRI or X-ray scan for the proper analysis of the injury incurred. Now, the treatment for the same depends on the injury. There are grades in which this can be categorized.

Grade 1 is the least form of injury which can easily be managed at home with the help of painkillers and proper rest. One can depend on the RICE method as it can be highly beneficial in the recovery of the individual.

Here, a few simple steps are followed like giving proper rest, icing, compressing, and elevating the injured area.

Further, the second grade is the medium sort of injury. This may require the use of physical therapy for effective recovery.

High impact injuries where there is a ligament tear or breakage of the bones are categorized as third grade. Here, proper surgery is required for a good recovery.

Turf toes can be a common sports injury, especially for games like basketball, cricket, and football. So doing proper foot stretches before any intense game can help your muscles get ready for the stress they are about to endure in the game.

Irrespective of the grade of injury, one must not rush the recovery phase. It is important to keep track of your fitness and make sure you recover correctly as your fitness is of the utmost importance. Taking small steps slowly can be the ideal way to recover from severe toe injuries.

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