Front squats vs back squats: which one is for you?

Squatting can be very benefecial(Image by Meghan Holmes/Unsplash)
Squatting can be very benefecial(Image by Meghan Holmes/Unsplash)

Front squats vs back squats is a major strength training exercise. But choosing the correct exercise after understanding your body type is the right way to go. Squats are an important set of exercises as they strengthen our core and make us less prone to injuries.

When we are infants we can squat perfectly and it's natural. However, with time, we tend to lose this natural ability due to poor posture and other exercises. Doing proper squats every day can help us to improve our posture. It can also help us to balance better. While squatting most muscles in our upper and lower body work together.

Front Squats vs Back Squats: The Debate

Choose the right kind of squat(Image by Eduardo Cano Photo Co/Unsplash)
Choose the right kind of squat(Image by Eduardo Cano Photo Co/Unsplash)

Front squats vs back squats is the topic of the hour. However, by now we all must know how beneficial squats can be. However, choosing the right type of squat is important as it depends from person to person.

For those who are just starting with squats, the back squat should be the go-to exercise.

Although both exercises target similar muscle groups, the front squat requires an individual to be more flexible. If someone is looking to develop more power and strength, back squats are the perfect strength training exercise. However, if an individual is looking to improve posture and core strength and also to develop their calves, the front squat is for them.

What are front squats?

Weight lifter attempting Squats(Image by Alora Griffiths/Unsplash)
Weight lifter attempting Squats(Image by Alora Griffiths/Unsplash)

A front squat is an exercise for the lower body that can help develop the glutes quads and the hamstring. It can also help strengthen the spinal cord so that a good posture can be achieved. Research has also shown that front squats can boost testosterone levels because several muscles are in use while performing this kind of squats and it is a high-intensity exercise.

What are back squats?

A female athlete doing back squats(Image by Benjamin Klaver/Unsplash)
A female athlete doing back squats(Image by Benjamin Klaver/Unsplash)

Back squats are another set of exercises that target the lower back of the body. Compared to front squats, they are easier to perform as a beginner. Back squats help in developing the lower back, glutes, and hamstring. Back squats can help an individual to prevent back aches. It can also help in developing and strengthening muscles that are needed for everyday tasks like bending, climbing stairs, and even carrying heavy weights.

Which squat to perform?

Choosing the correct exercise is very important(Image by Pavigym Prama/Unsplash)
Choosing the correct exercise is very important(Image by Pavigym Prama/Unsplash)

In the debate of front squats vs back squats, we must not forget that one must learn to do basic squatting first. Although squats can burn more calories, strengthen the core, and help attain a better posture overall, choosing the wrong squat can cause injuries and even damage several muscles permanently and severely.

Squats can be performed twice to thrice a week. It is very important to give our muscles proper rest in between sets and on days of no exercise. Squats can also increase endurance in the long run.

Therefore, front squats vs back squats is not a debate but a matter of understanding. A person who has good strength can choose to do both these types of exercises, with the right weight and gear. Correct posture and reps are to be kept in mind while doing a squat.

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