How fit were hunter-gatherers? 8 things that kept the ancient beings healthy

Hunters and gatherers were truly healthy beings (via
Hunters-gatherers were truly healthy beings (via

Hunter-gatherers were the original healthy human inhabitants of the earth, who were living off the land and the natural resources around them. They had to be incredibly fit and healthy in order to survive in the harsh and unforgiving environments they inhabited.

In this article, we will explore a few things that kept these ancient beings healthy.

Ways of Being Healthy

Here are eight ways you can follow if you want to be healthy like hunters and gatherers:

1. Physical Activity

One of the most important factors that kept hunter-gatherers healthy was the level of physical activity that they had to engage in. They were constantly on the move, hunting for games, gathering plants, and other resources, and traveling to new locations.

The amount of physical activity helped them stay in shape, maintain a healthy weight, and avoid many of the health problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

2. A Varied Diet

Another key factor in the health of hunter-gatherers was their diet. They relied on a diverse range of foods, including wild games, fish, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. This provided them with all the nutrients they needed to stay fit and strong.

Their diets were high in protein, good fats, and complex carbohydrates, and low in sugar, processed foods, and refined carbohydrates.

Hunter-gatherers used to eat a varied diet (Adonyi Gábor/pexels)
Hunter-gatherers used to eat a varied diet (Adonyi Gábor/pexels)

3. Fresh Food

Unlike many modern diets, which rely heavily on processed and packaged foods, hunter-gatherers ate fresh healthy food as well as whole foods that were often picked or caught the same day they were consumed. This meant that their food was high in nutrients and free from many of the preservatives and additives found in modern food.

4. Low in Sugar

Hunters and gatherers did not have access to the refined sugars and processed carbohydrates that are common in modern diets. As a result, their diets had lower sugar, which helped them avoid several health problems associated with excess sugar consumption, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

Hunter-gatherers didn't use to eat refined sugar (Suzy Hazelwood/pexels)
Hunter-gatherers didn't use to eat refined sugar (Suzy Hazelwood/pexels)

5. High in Fiber

The diets of hunters and gatherers were high in fiber, which helped keep their digestive systems healthy and prevented constipation and other digestive problems. Their diets were rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which provided them with plenty of fiber and other important nutrients.

6. Low in Salt

While hunter-gatherers did consume salt, they did not have access to the high levels of sodium found in many modern diets. This helped them avoid many health problems associated with excess salt consumption, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

7. Sunlight

Hunter-gatherers spent a lot of time outdoors, which meant they were exposed to sunlight on a regular basis. This helped them maintain good levels of vitamin D and other nutrients, which are important for bone health, immune function, and many other aspects of health.

8. Social Connections

Hunters and gatherers lived in small, close-knit communities where social connections were important. This helped them maintain good mental health and avoid many of the mental health problems associated with social isolation. They also had a strong sense of community and a shared sense of purpose, which helped them stay motivated and focused on their goals.

They used to live in small communities to surivive (via istock)
They used to live in small communities to surivive (via istock)

So How Fit Were Hunter-Gatherers?

Hunters and gatherers were incredibly fit, thanks to their active lifestyles, varied and nutrient-rich diets, and strong social connections. While we may not be able to replicate their exact way of life in modern times, we can certainly learn from their example and strive to incorporate these great habits into our own lives.

By prioritizing physical activity, eating a varied and good diet, and building strong social connections, we can improve our own health and well-being and live more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

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