Ideal Stretching Routine You Should Do Daily to Reset Your Mind & Body

Regular stretching routine can significantly contribute to your body and brain functioning. (Image via pexels/ Run FFWPU)
Regular stretching routine can significantly boost body and brain functioning. (Image via Pexels/Run FFWPU)

You might be missing out if stretching routine isn't a regular component of your health and exercise regimen.

Regular stretching routine can significantly boost body and brain functioning and have a huge impact on how you feel throughout the day. Range of motion and coordination can be improved, risk of injury can be reduced, and even mental health can be enhanced with a regular, effective stretching routine.

Exercises to Include in Full Body Stretching Routine

A stretching routine helps ease neck, upper back, and shoulder discomfort. (Image via Pexels/Nathan Cowley)
A stretching routine helps ease neck, upper back, and shoulder discomfort. (Image via Pexels/Nathan Cowley)

Although stretching has many benefits, many people still forgo a post-workout stretch, which increases risk of injury, weariness, soreness, and tightness.

Here's a closer look at an ideal full body stretching routine:

1) Neck roll

A neck roll is one of the best before-bedtime stretches to include in your stretching routine. It releases tension from the neck and shoulder region.

Here’s how to do a neck roll:

  • Maintain a straight posture when standing, spreading the feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Slightly tuck your chin into the chest.
  • Take approximately seven seconds to gently rotate the head one circle in a clockwise direction.
  • Roll your head anticlockwise in the same motion after five seconds of resting.
  • Perform that five times.

2) Total hip opener

You can perform stretching after workout, before bedtime or before starting your workout session. (Image via Unsplash/Michael Demoya)
You can perform stretching after workout, before bedtime or before starting your workout session. (Image via Unsplash/Michael Demoya)

This exercise should be included in your full body stretching routine, as it's fabulous for the quads, hips, and lower back. As you really need to focus on where your body is in space and practice balance, it's also a wonderful mind calmer.

Here’s how to perform total hip opener:

  • Holding onto your right ankle with your right hand, extend your back while still standing.
  • To maintain balance and get a wonderful stretch, raise your left hand in a high wave.
  • Gently hinge forward while your left hand extends out in front and the right arm pulls loosely on the right leg.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.

3) Standing hamstring stretch

Next in the stretching routine is this hamstring stretch. It opens up the hamstring muscles, as the name suggests. It's also a great stretching exercise to do after vigorous exercise.

Here’s how to do a standing hamstring stretch:

  • Stride upright. Keep your right knee slightly bent and left leg extended forward while keeping your right foot flat on the ground.
  • With the toes pointed upward and heel planted firmly on the floor, flex your left foot.
  • Lean forward a bit while lifting the left toe, placing the hands on the right thigh.
  • Hold for 20 seconds, and take 10 seconds to recover. Use the opposite leg to repeat the motion.
  • Complete the sequence three times.

Check out the best exercises to strengthen your hamstring muscles

4) Upper back stretch

When performing full body stretches, you cannot forget the back muscles. (Image via Pexels/Ekaterina Bolovtsova)
When performing full body stretches, you cannot forget the back muscles. (Image via Pexels/Ekaterina Bolovtsova)

When performing the full body stretching routine, you cannot forget the back muscles. Stretch both sides equally, if possible. Don't go beyond your comfort level when stretching.

Here’s how to perform the upper back stretch:

  • Maintain a straight back, tight core, and ankles parallel to the knees while sitting in a chair.
  • By pressing with your left hand on the chair's right side, turn your body to the right.
  • Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  • Continue on the opposite side.

5) Trapezius stretch

Stretching the trapezius, a muscle that runs from the lower neck over the upper back and shoulder region, can ease pain and relax the shoulder. This stretch is designed to ease neck, upper back, and shoulder discomfort. Additionally, it's said to help better posture as an added advantage.

Here’s how to do a trapezius stretch:

  • Begin by resting your right hand on your left shoulder while keeping the right arm close to the chest.
  • Place your left hand just below your elbow, and move your right hand slowly down the back and across the left shoulder.
  • Hold the stretch for two seconds, and switch to the neutral position.
  • Perform ten reps on each side.

Check out the best ways to improve your posture

If you don't go to the gym, it's still unadvisable to skip a stretching routine. A daily stretch session helps ease some of the pain and tension caused by prolonged sitting, which can be devastating for the muscles and joints. You can perform stretching after workout, before bedtime or before starting your workout session.

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