What Is Glycolic Acid & How Does It Work For Skin?

Glycolic acid is a chemical exfoliant that can be used to treat certain skin condition. (Image via Unsplash / Karim Ghantous)
Glycolic acid is a chemical exfoliant that can be used to treat certain skin condition. (Image via Unsplash / Karim Ghantous)

Glycolic acid, or alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) in general, can be a great treatment for skin that's currently troubled by hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, and clogged pores. For the rest of us, AHAs offer a non-irritating yet effective exfoliation to maintain a youthful glow and slow down the effects of time.

But what is glycolic acid? How does it work for the skin? How do you use it optimally for your skin type? Here's everything you need to know about glycolic acid and your skin.

What Is Glycolic Acid?

Glycolic acid. (Image credits: Pexels/ Andrzej Gdula)
Glycolic acid. (Image credits: Pexels/ Andrzej Gdula)

Glycolic acid is a chemical exfoliant that can be used to treat acne, sun damage, age spots, and wrinkles. It's derived from cane sugar and can be found in many skin care products on the market today. You may also see it listed as glycolic acid or alpha hydroxy acids (AHA).

Glycolic acid is one of the most common AHAs used in skincare because of its ability to penetrate deep into the skin. It can also be found at an affordable price point compared to other more expensive alternatives like lactic or malic acids.

How does Glycolic acid help the skin?

Glycolic acid primarily helps with exfoliation as it gently removes dead skin cells on the surface for a smoother and more radiant complexion. Moreover, using glycolic acid helps stimulate skin cell turnover and effectively reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. As a strong pore unclogger, it clears out debris and reduces the risk of acne breakouts, leaving skin looking cleaner and fresher.

Can you use Glycolic acid with other products?

Using glycolic acid with other products. (Image credits: Pexels/ Cottonbro Studio)
Using glycolic acid with other products. (Image credits: Pexels/ Cottonbro Studio)

Due to its exfoliating properties and ability to reduce the skin's barrier function, glycolic acid can enhance the absorption of other skincare products applied afterward, making them more effective.

Is Glycolic acid safe for sensitive skin?

Individuals with sensitive skin may experience irritation, so it's advisable to start with lower concentrations and gradually increase usage if tolerated well. As with any skincare ingredient, daily sunscreen is crucial when using glycolic acid, as the skin becomes more susceptible to sun damage due to the exfoliation process. Consult your dermatologist to know about the best approach to incorporating glycolic acid into your skincare routine for optimal results.

Choosing the right product

Choosing the right product. (Image credits: Ekaterina Bolovtsova)
Choosing the right product. (Image credits: Ekaterina Bolovtsova)

All in all, glycolic acid is a great AHA that can be quite effective for many different skin issues. Combined with other skincare ingredients, pH levels, and application methods, glycolic acid can help improve the skin in many different ways.

If you choose good quality glycolic acid and use it correctly, it's a great addition to your skincare regimen. However, if you want to try out glycolic acid, speak with your dermatologist first to make sure that it's safe for your skin type and condition.

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