What is the most painful mental illness? Do personality disorders hurt the most?

What is the most painful mental illness? How can I identify one? (Image via Unsplash/ Victoria Volkova)
What is the most painful mental illness? How can I identify one? (Image via Unsplash/ Victoria Volkova)

Mental illness comprises a plethora of psychological conditions that impact how we feel, think, and behave. These psychological ailments aren't something we choose to have; they are severe and complex in nature, deciding the course of our lives.

Among those, one distressing mental health challenge is borderline personality disorder (BPD) which leads to severe emotional hardships. Personality concerns in general are long-standing and can affect all areas of an individual's life.

While there isn't a standard of comparison in mental illnesses, personality disorders pose a serious threat to an individual's well-being. In a way, individuals with this condition live on the edges of society.

Mental illnesses like BPD can have a significant impact on daily functioning. (Image via Unsplash/ Kyle Cleveland)
Mental illnesses like BPD can have a significant impact on daily functioning. (Image via Unsplash/ Kyle Cleveland)

Is BPD the most painful mental illness?

Is BPD one of the most complex mental illnesses to manage? (Image via Unsplash/ Iam Keefe)
Is BPD one of the most complex mental illnesses to manage? (Image via Unsplash/ Iam Keefe)

BPD's pain is the result of various contributing factors. Individuals with this issue typically go through extreme emotional upheavals, which can get overwhelming. Daily circumstances may set off enormous emotional reactions that others may misunderstand.

These strong emotions, like fear, anger, or even sadness, are challenging to balance and result in great distress. This dance of emotions within a person greatly affects relationships, careers, and overall wellness.

The single most common reason for borderline personality disorder is the constant struggle with a sense of self and identity. Individuals with this condition may start to feel as if they no longer possess a clear understanding of themselves. This lack of perception about who they are makes it challenging for them to feel secure or content about themselves, intensifying their emotional pain.

Furthermore, people with BPD usually are feared of being left alone and rejected. This fear can be self-engulfing, causing the affected person to act impulsively or push people away to prevent being abandoned. The persistent fear of abandonment can be greatly distressing, resulting in continuous pain for those affected.

Are there any ways to stop the BPD pain?

As our understanding of mental illnesses grows, we also see the impact of them on all individuals. (Image via Unsplash/ Vesky)
As our understanding of mental illnesses grows, we also see the impact of them on all individuals. (Image via Unsplash/ Vesky)

Is there anything to stop the pain BPD causes? Managing the pain of BPD demands a multifaceted approach. Being willing to undergo therapy, particularly dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), has proven effective in dealing with the effects of BPD. DBT empowers us with the skills for emotion regulation, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness, and self-awareness, greatly empowering people through severe emotions more efficiently.

Medication may not be directly effective in addressing BPD symptoms, but it can definitely assist in dealing with symptoms such as anxiety, depression, or mood alterations, which can lower the distressing effects.

Establishing clear boundaries in relationships greatly assists in coping with fears of being abandoned and rejected. Developing healthy boundaries leads to stable and supportive relationships.

Self-care routines, such as exercising, yoga, hobbies, or creative endeavors, help deal with stress and regulate emotions. Forming a support environment of understanding dear ones, family, or support groups may offer the necessary clarity and needed validation.

The pain linked to BPD is complex and greatly affecting. Moreover, there are ways to deal with and manage the pain. With professional assistance, therapy, setting boundaries, developing self-care routines, and developing supportive environments are essential ways to lower the effects of mental illnesses.

Being empathetic towards people with mental illnesses can be greatly transformative towards the journey of healing and well-being. Even if you grapple with the most painful mental illness, there is always hope and help available.

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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