What Should You Eat Before a Morning Workout?

Depending on the intensity and duration of your morning workout and your energy requirements, you should adjust the size of your pre-workout meal. (Image via Unsplash/ Jannis Brandt)
Depending on the intensity and duration of your morning workout and your energy requirements, you should adjust the size of your pre-workout meal. (Image via Unsplash/ Jannis Brandt)

Is it okay to start my morning workout on an empty stomach? Or should I eat something? Have you also been searching for the answer to these questions? You have landed in the right place.

These are crucial questions to make because the right fuel can significantly affect your energy level, mood, and results — and consequently, how willing you are to exercise again.


There is no "one size fits all" approach to pre-and post-workout meals, which makes it perplexing.

The food you consume before, during, and after your sweat session can unquestionably impact how you feel and whether or not you reach your fitness objectives, so that's something to keep in mind.

Is it Needed to Eat Before a Morning Workout?

Eating in the early morning hours might be upsetting for some people. Or perhaps you simply don't have enough time to eat, digest, and exercise in the morning before work.

On one side, "fasted" exercise, such as fasted cardio, has gained popularity because its proponents claim it gives them more energy for morning workouts and produces faster results.


On the contrary, some individuals commend their pre-workout meals for providing them with the energy they require to keep up with their workouts. You might therefore be curious as to which strategy is more successful.

Your glucose levels are reduced after a lengthy night of sleep than they were after a recent meal. You can experience fatigue and sluggishness during your workout as a result.

Because of this, having a little snack prior to a morning workout may help raise your blood glucose and give you the energy you need to exercise at your best.

What Is the Best Thing to Eat Before an Early Morning Workout?

Even a fantastic snack before an early morning workout won't make up for improper eating the night before. It should be rich in carbohydrates, have a ton of protein, and fuel your muscles.

You should consume a high-carb, moderate-protein, low-fat snack like peanut butter sandwich, cheese cracker, smoothie, or any fruit before working out if you're eating within 30 to 60 minutes of your morning workout.


It is advised to consume a high-carb, high-protein, low-fat meal like an egg sandwich, whole grain cereal, peanut butter & jelly sandwich, oatmeal, etc. before doing out if you are eating within two to three hours of your morning workout.

Here are some options to choose from:

  • Fruit juice
  • Granola
  • Banana
  • A bowl of yogurt
  • Protein bar
  • Boiled eggs

What Should You Avoid Consuming Prior to a Morning Workout?

The majority of people should steer clear of eating excessive amounts of protein, fiber, or fat because these nutrients all have the potential to slow down digestion. Make sure your body can easily access the energy it needs to exercise without putting yourself at risk of motion sickness or stomach discomfort.

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts are crucial to have in your diet but will negatively impact your morning workout. This is due to the fact that these veggies contain a lot of raffinose, an indigestible carbohydrate that can induce belly bloating and a lot of gas.


It shouldn't come as a surprise that fizzy beverages make a bad pre-workout choice as they are well-recognized to be nutritionally devoid and frequently loaded with sugar. They can make you feel bloated, create a sugar drop, as well as give you nausea and stomach pains while you're working out. They also have high sugar content.

What is the Best Time to Eat Before a Morning Workout?

Now that you are aware of what to eat and what not to eat before your morning workout, let's discuss when to eat. It's likely that you don't really have three hours to spare if you're exercising in the morning.

It is advised to choose a smaller fraction than normal if you're on a tight schedule and have less than 30 minutes between eating and hitting the gym.


Depending on the intensity and duration of your morning workout and your energy requirements, you should adjust the size of your pre-workout meal. Are you going to engage in a lengthy or demanding workout? It may take 3–4 hours for a meal with more energy to digest, so bear that in mind.

Less energy is needed for a lower-intensity workout. Aim for a quick, two to three-hour digestion of your meal.

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