What is a suitcase deadlift? Exploring the benefits of this balance workout type!

A suitcase deadlift is a balance exercise that rectifies symmetrical faults. (Image via CanStockPhoto)
A suitcase deadlift is a balance exercise that rectifies symmetrical faults. (Image via CanStockPhoto)

The suitcase deadlift is a form of workout that corrects the balance and equilibrium in the coordination between both sides of the body. Although it might sound like a workout type that could be done with a suitcase on the run to a vacation, it might be tricky to understand. The name for it comes from its resemblance to carrying a suitcase in one hand.

For runners, this kind of workout is especially important given the fact that they have to maintain the balance between both sides of their bodies while being in a state of swift motion. The suitcase deadlift also helps correct certain postural faults and hence could be an efficient regimen for budding athletes.

However, the benefits of the suitcase deadlift are often speculated since not much information could be easily found on it. So this is where you have to keep reading the space below where we have listed all the advantages of this peculiar workout!

What is a suitcase deadlift?

This workout corrects symmetrical faults of the body. (Image by Vlada Karpovich via Pexels)
This workout corrects symmetrical faults of the body. (Image by Vlada Karpovich via Pexels)

A suitcase deadlift is a unilateral strength exercise that is known to structure lateral chain stability between both sides of the body, minimizing the imbalances between the right and left.

For athletes, lateral stability is crucial for reducing ipsilateral pelvic drop and the bending of the trunk during stance. Therefore, maintaining equilibrium between the right and the left sides is important for increasing the efficiency in one’s gait, alongside preventing the risks associated with injuries stemming from overuse.

Suitcase deadlift benefits

Most might not be aware of all the benefits that this workout out form could bring. But, it is nothing less than an exercise that triggers all the vital muscle groups of the body. The following are some of the benefits that can be had of a suitcase deadlift.

1. A full-body workout

It is a full-body workout that activates all the muscles. (Image by Pikx By Panther via Pexels)
It is a full-body workout that activates all the muscles. (Image by Pikx By Panther via Pexels)

Although it might seem like an exercise that is focused on increasing balance and efficiency between both sides of the body, a suitcase deadlift is actually a full-body workout. The barbel suitcase deadlift triggers and activates almost all the muscle groups in your body.

These include your quadriceps, hamstrings, core, glutes, calves, spinal erectors, and muscles on the lower back. Therefore, this workout form stands to be an all-rounder when it comes to perfecting musculature.

2. Improving grip strength

This workout improves grip strength by activating the muscles of the forearm. (Image by Geancarlo Peruzzolo via Pexels)
This workout improves grip strength by activating the muscles of the forearm. (Image by Geancarlo Peruzzolo via Pexels)

It is an efficient way to improve the strength of your grip. This is because this exercise focuses on the improvement of your forearm structure and increases your grip strength for other compound workouts. These compound exercises include exercises such as pull-ups and bench presses. The activation of the forearm muscles greatly improves the grip capability and hold strength.

3. Strengthens the core

This workout improves core strength by stimulating the muscles throughout the midsection. (Image by Cottonbro Studio via Pexels)
This workout improves core strength by stimulating the muscles throughout the midsection. (Image by Cottonbro Studio via Pexels)

This form of workout can help you gain a stronger core. If one does it properly, the exercise can activate the core muscles as stabilizers throughout the entire range of motion. This increases the stability, strength, and resilience of the entire midsection region.

Since it is a full-body regimen, it also puts attention to the other muscle groups along with the core, to help you build strength throughout your body.

4. Corrects muscle and overall body symmetry

This form of workout corrects symmetrical and postural faults, especially in runners. (Image by Maarten Van Den Heuvel via Pexels)
This form of workout corrects symmetrical and postural faults, especially in runners. (Image by Maarten Van Den Heuvel via Pexels)

Suitcase deadlifts are highly efficient in correcting flaws in the body and muscles. Activating the muscles of a side of the body one at a time, these deadlifts focus on eliminating any imbalance in form and structure. Advantages of these over conventional deadlifts include that they close the gap between asymmetrical muscle functions, especially when the body goes into a state of motion.

5. These are versatile exercises that can be done anywhere

This form of exercise is versatile enough to be done at home. (Image by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels)
This form of exercise is versatile enough to be done at home. (Image by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels)

One of the biggest advantages of this exercise is that they are pretty versatile in every way. You can easily practice it at home simply using free weights.

If you are looking for a more advanced variation, you can easily go for the single-leg suitcase deadlift or even the double suitcase deadlift. You can do so by using free weights on both sides of your body.

So, given all the facts about the benefits of this workout, the answer to the question “Are suitcase deadlifts good?is an uncomplicated “Yes!.” Not only do they help you gain a good physique, but they also help you overcome postural and symmetrical flaws in order to perform at your potential.

However, given that it is a strength training exercise, one should be informed of one’s limits regarding working with weights. Besides this, all we want to say is- happy lifting into the holidays!

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