"Nobody mentioned about the addiction that he suffered from" - Shannon Sharpe goes ballistic over Brett Favre's welfare fund scandal

Sharpe and Favre. Photos via headtopics.com and statesboroherald.com
Sharpe and Favre. Photos via headtopics.com and statesboroherald.com

NFL Hall of Famer Shannon Sharpe did not hold back in his reaction to Brett Favre's alleged involvement in the Mississippi welfare fund scandal. Yesterday, alleged text messages were revealed to the public that appear to be quite damning for the Hall of Fame quarterback.

The texts suggest that the quarterback asked if there was any way the media could find out about the funds. These funds were meant to be used for underprivileged people in the Mississippi area. However, they seem to have been diverted to fund a volleyball center where Favre's daughter used to play the sport.

Sharpe, who was speaking about Favre's involvement with the scandal on Fox Sports' Undisputed, was clear about what he thought of the situation. He said:

“Well, I don’t think nothing can tarnish it (Favre's NFL legacy), because if you go back and look at his history in the NFL, it should have tarnished it already. I talked to people that were in the room when Brett Favre went into the Hall of Fame and nobody mentioned text messages he sent to that Jets masseuse. Nobody mentioned the addiction that he suffered from."

Sharpe added:

“But yet, TO (Terrell Owens), they brought up everything. Could you imagine if TO had an incident like this, like Brett Favre off the field? TO would still, to this day right now, would not be in the Hall of Fame. Yet they walked right past it like Brett Favre did nothing. The problem that I have with this situation, you got to be a sorry mofo to steal from the lowest of the low.”

Brett Favre yet to be charged over welfare fraud scandal

Brett Favre
Brett Favre

It has been reported that the 52-year-old received around $1 million of the welfare money that was supposed to be for underprivileged people and families for doing motivational speeches.

The problem is that the quarterback did not make those speeches between 2017 and 2018. However, at the time of writing, he is yet to be charged.


The whole situation is rather messy, as around $77 million in welfare funds were being moved around to other people, instead of going to the people who really needed it.

The $1 million that the quarterback allegedly received was used to build a volleyball center at the University of Southern Mississippi, where his daughter played. He was the leader of the campaign to get it built and now there are clouds of suspicion over where the money came from.

With the case getting worse with each passing day, the legacy of the Hall of Fame quarterback is getting even more tarnished than it already was.

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