
Best practices for Author Profiles

Your profile tells audiences about you, your background and helps them relate with the content you have written. It also helps build credibility to your content.

Below is a quick guide on how you can put up a good profile section. It's a bunch of hygiene factors that you need to ensure so that you come across as professional, assertive and be taken seriously by audiences. Do go through the same and ensure that your profile adheres to the guidelines.

Profile Picture:

1. Please keep your profile picture as professional as possible

2. Ensure that your full face is in clear view

3. Smile!  Being warm and friendly goes a long way 

4. Avoid any filters that would distort your face

5. Avoid using any celebrity, sportsperson, logo, cartoon or text as your profile picture. We want the audiences to take your opinions seriously.

Official Name:

1. Please use your Official name only. It helps with error-free payments as well.

2. The name cannot be fake or resemble a social media handle or your email ID. Eg: 42shiva is a definite no.

3. The first letter of your name must be capitalised. Do not use 'ALL UPPERCASE' or 'all lowercase'. Eg: John

4. If you're using your second name also, then the starting letter of each word has to be Capitalised. Eg: John Doe

5. If your name contains initials, they need to be separated by a space. Eg: J Doe

6. No part of the name can denote an affiliation to a brand, unless you are verified as a brand account

About yourself:

1. Be civil, warm and professional while writing about yourself

2. As far as possible, write about yourself in third person

3. Be humble. Try being honest and straightforward, not pompous and self-indulgent

4. This section should give an insight into where your expertise lies and what sport(s) you write and care about

5. While your personal interests can be mentioned, it shouldn't be very off-topic

6. The clubs or teams you follow and support can be mentioned to strike a chord with the audiences

7. Awards, accolades, sporting honours and any other prestigious publication you write for can be mentioned as part of this section

8. Any insight into what the audience can expect from your articles are welcome

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