Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, the highly anticipated sequel to the 2018 original, Into the Spider-Verse, has unveiled a surprising retcon. It revamps the scene where Gwen ends the life of a mutated Peter Parker - a notable shift from the original movie's depiction.
Building on its predecessor's world, Across the Spider-Verse illuminates Miles' journey into Spider-heroism and lends a larger spotlight to Gwen Stacy, voiced by Hailee Steinfeld.
The film expands its universe to include a multitude of Spider-entities and offers a more profound insight into Gwen's mindset, grappling with her responsibilities and relationships as Spider-Woman.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse offers new perspective on Gwen's origin

The movie takes viewers back to Gwen's beginnings in its opening scenes. In her universe, Earth-65, Gwen and Peter Parker, voiced by Jack Quaid, were best friends until an unfortunate event led to the latter becoming the Lizard. The 2018 original also recounted this narrative, albeit more subtly. It displayed Gwen kicking the Lizard, who reverts to Peter mid-air in a fleeting silhouette.
However, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse gave this occurrence a more comprehensive treatment. Gwen anticipates Peter's arrival at their school dance, but the Lizard crashes the event instead.
Gwen is compelled to step into her Spider-Woman suit and bring down part of the ceiling on the Lizard, which leads to the shocking revelation of Peter's death at her hands. This sequence is a marked divergence from the original, possibly driven by budget considerations.
The original film recycled the Peter B. Parker animation model for Peter's death. Meanwhile, Spider-Verse 2 created a fresh model for Peter, voiced by Jack Quaid of The Boys. The extended portrayal of Gwen's origin allowed the Lizard sequence to be thoroughly explored.
Predicting Gwen Stacy's arc as Spider-Woman in the upcoming Spider-Verse 3
Details of the plot for the forthcoming sequel, Beyond the Spider-Verse, slated for a 2024 release, are closely guarded. However, extrapolating from where Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse leaves Gwen provides hints for her journey in the next installment.
At the end of Across the Spider-Verse, Gwen forms a formidable team of Spider-People, including Peter B. Parker and John Mulaney's Spider-Ham, to rescue Miles stranded in an alternate universe where he is a villain, and there's no Spider-Man.

Gwen manages to mend her relationship with her father, who endorses her superhero activities. However, Gwen's membership in the Spider-Society is revoked by Miguel O'Hara, voiced by Oscar Isaac.
Without the support of society and a dear friend's life at risk in another world, Beyond the Spider-Verse is set up as a rescue mission for Miles on Earth-42. The amount of screen time devoted to this quest is uncertain.
Across the Spider-Verse is available for viewing in theaters. However, the next installment, Beyond the Spider-Verse, is set to make its grand premiere on March 29, 2024.