5 best top lane champions to use in League of Legends Season 11

Image via Riot Games - League of Legends
Image via Riot Games - League of Legends

The ability to outplay and outlast an opponent is the key factor that separates the top laning experts from League of Legends newcomers.

The top is a long lane, and as there are no second ally champions to lane with, top laners are generally tanks or high damage champions. They make effective use of the long side lane of the League of Legends map to run down their enemies.

The 1v1 nature of top also opens itself to more champion options than any other role in the game. There are generally three types of top lane champions in League of Legends. They are hyper-carries, support-style champions, and split pushers.

Top Lane Map (Image via Riot Games - League of Legends)
Top Lane Map (Image via Riot Games - League of Legends)

Top lane hyper-carries deal massive damage to enemies within a split-second and can usually hit multiple targets with AoE damage. Split pushers have a weak laning presence until they get a few items and turn into beasts. Lastly, the support-style top laners are the robust tanks in League of Legends.


Effective top laning needs expertise, and sensible champion picks. To help out the new League of Legends enthusiasts, this list will talk about some of the best top laners in season 11.

Five best Top Lane Champions to pick in League of Legends season 11

#5 - Camille

Image via Riot Games - League of Legends
Image via Riot Games - League of Legends

Camille, "The Steel Shadow" is one of the best top lanes in the current meta. She has the powerful ability to single out immobile carries easily and one-shot them in the blink of an eye.

Camille's R- The Hextech Ultimatum is one of the deadliest ultimates in League of Legends and is literally a game changer. She can dash over walls and is a great duelist. Excessive item dependence and having a high skill ceiling are her two weaknesses

.#4 - Malphite

Image via Riot Games - League of Legends
Image via Riot Games - League of Legends

Malphite has become one of the best top lane picks following the recent item rework in League of Legends 11.1. "The Shard of the Monolith" has massively benefitted from most of the new tank items and has become one of the most difficult top laners to deal with.

Malphite requires elementary operating skills and can be easily mastered. His kit is pretty straight-forward and doesn’t require a lot of mechanical prowess to be effective. His R- Unstoppable Force, if timed right, is a killer, dealing massive damage to the enemies.

#3 - Pantheon

Image via Riot Games - League of Legends
Image via Riot Games - League of Legends

Pantheon has mainly been a League of Legends support for years, but his recent buffs have made him a popular choice for the top lane. League of Legends' "Unbreakable Spear" has picked up the mantle in the new season and come back to reclaim glory with his oppressive kit.


Pantheon's E- Aegis Assault can block incoming sources of damage, allowing him to team-up perfectly with a jungler. His R is global and is capable of dealing heavy damage to enemies falling on its path.

#2 - Aatrox

Image via Riot Games - League of Legends
Image via Riot Games - League of Legends

League of Legends' "Darkin Blade" is a brilliant top lane pick in season 11. His passive healing and high damage can be extremely difficult to fight against.

The recent mythic items have impacted Aatrox positively, especially Goredrinker. It makes him almost invincible when combined with the sustain from new items and runes. Aatrox is not easy to play with due to his dependency on skillshots.

#1 - Darius

Image via Riot Games - League of Legends
Image via Riot Games - League of Legends

"The Hand of Noxus" is arguably the best top lane pick in League of Legends season 11. He has one of the best level-one damage outputs in the game, and he’s excellent at getting an early snowball rolling to run away with the match.

Darius can literally bleed enemies to death, dealing an insane amount of physical damage. The new mythics have benefitted Darius. With an item like Goredrinker, he can possess more sustain and become a top lane beast.

Note: This article reflects the author’s opinion, and what may seem the best to one may not be so to someone else.

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