5 things you didn't know about Kay/O in Valorant

5 Things You didn't know about Kay/O in Valorant (Image by Riot Games) No One Left Behind and Memory Log (Image by Riot Games)
5 Things You didn't know about Kay/O in Valorant (Image by Riot Games) No One Left Behind and Memory Log (Image by Riot Games)

Kay/O is the latest agent to join the Valorant Protocol roster in Episode 3 Act 1.

Valorant has grown to be one of the most popular FPS esports games within a year, due to constant support by Riot Games and the easy to pick up, hard to master gameplay approach.

With every new act, a new agent is introduced in the game. The latest agent to join the roster is the Initiator Kay/O. Even though he is shrouded in mystery, there are some facts that players don’t know about the cybernetic agent.


5 unknown facts about Kay/O in Valorant

Kay/O is a cybernetic robot who joined the Valorant Protocol roster in Valorant Episode 3 Reflection Act 1. Here are some unknown facts about him,

1.Kay/O comes from an alternative future timeline

According to his backstory, Kay/O comes from an alternative future where he fought in a Radiant war, where humans and radiants faced off against one another. This is further evident by his voice line,

Humans allied with Radiants. What a strange world.

2. Kay/O shares a special bond with Brimstone

During the Radiant War, he fought alongside Brimstone and Sova. Kay/O’s player card (Memory Log) and Brimstone’s player card (No One Left Behind) share a lot of similarities, and it might even showcase the same incident from different perspectives. Kay/O even says to Brimstone,

Your second chance, Brimstone. I won't fail you again.

3. Kay/O has killed Reyna previously

Kay/O fought against Astra, Reyna, Sage, and Skye. He was able to kill Reyna in the Radiant War, which is evident by his voice line,

Another Reyna. I killed her in the war, I'll kill her again.

4. Kay/O is specially designed to hunt Radiants

Kay/O is a robot originating from the future, who has been specially designed to hunt Radiants. It is most evident by his arsenal of abilities, and he specializes in suppressing radicalite or Radiant powers.

Kay/O faces against Reyna in the alternative timeline (Image by Riot Games
Kay/O faces against Reyna in the alternative timeline (Image by Riot Games

5. Kay/O might have been influenced by the Sentinels from Marvel X-Men comics

Kay/O is a robot from an alternative future timeline, where he is specially designed to hunt down a group of people (Radiants) with extraordinary power, which he can suppress. The backstory of Kay/O is inspired by the sentinels from the Marvel X-Men storyline, days of the future past.