9 Quest Decks from Hearthstone's Saviors of Uldum (Standard)

Image result for saviors of uldum quest

Blizzard's second expansion of 2019, Saviors of Uldum, will be released worldwide on 6 August (7 August for Asia servers). If you go to a Fireside Gathering, you can get early access to the expansion and open your packs before the live release.

Saviors of Uldum is a very ambitious and creative expansion. There are many new interesting mechanics that have been added in this expansion, including the return of Quests.

A few pros as well as other players have already gotten their hands on the new set and tested some of the decks. Here are nine of the decks they managed to make from the Quests.

#1 Quest Druid

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Deck Code: AAECAZICCCRArtIC9fwC1pkDyZwD+KED26UDC1Zf9wPEBuH7AvqGA6miA8iiA9yiA++iA9mpAwA=


This deck from Kripparian is the Druid Quest along with a bunch of Choose One cards which are not otherwise powerful on their own. To have unspent mana, you just need to ensure your mana at the end of the turn does not go down to 0. It is relatively easy to do for 4 turns with a big pay off.

Cards like Tending Tauren, Cenarius and Wardruid Loti have a large power level with the Passive Hero Power. While the effect is powerful, Quest Druid does not really have a win condition and you will need to constantly hit face with your buffed minions.

#2. Quest Hunter

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Quest Hunter is the weakest of the Quests so far. However, if you can pull it off it can be quite devastating. The reward for the quest is giving your minions +2 attack. Summoning 20 minions is quite a task but cards such as Halazzi, Swarm of Locusts and Unleash the Hounds can help you complete it quicker.

Scavenging Hyena is very powerful in this deck. Charging it with a Tundra Rhino or having it stick on your board and buffing its attack as well as killing your beasts to buff it can mow down your opponent. If you're short on dust, you probably don't want to craft this quest. But if you open it from a pack it's worth experimenting with.

#3. Quest Mage

Image result for raid the sky temple hearthstone

Deck Code: AAECAf0ECrQE7QW4CO72ApX/Arn/AqOHA9aZA86dA7mlAwq7AqsEywTmBJYFo/0CyIcDn5sD4psD/50DAA==


The Mage Quest is not quite as powerful as the Un'Goro version. The Hero Power simply adds a Mage spell to your hand, discounted. But you can also pair it with Spell Damage cards. Getting an 8 mana Pyroblast is pretty powerful!

Cards like Mana Cyclone can replenish your hand and give you spells. The discounted spells make it easier to use Mana Cyclone as well. Use Spell Damage to burst down enemies!

#4. Quest Paladin

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Paladin got some below-average cards this expansion but the Quest works pretty well with previous cards. This list is from pro player Trump and he's shown us that the Hero Power works really well.

Playing 4 Reborn minions is a relatively easy task. Using the 2/2 copy on Mechs such as Mechanical Whelp, Mechan-o-Egg or Zilliax has a strong effect. Kangor's Endless Army can resurrect your Mechs if you Magnetized them. The deck lacks a draw mechanic but it can be very powerful.

#5. Quest Priest

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Deck Code: AAECAa0GAqCAA92rAw7lBPYH1QjSCvIM5fcC+/4C5IoDg5QDr6UDu6UD0aUD0qUDmakDAA==


The Priest Quest is a very strong quest, probably one of the best in the set. It is a direct upgrade to the Hero Power which also gives minions +3/+3. You simply need to restore 15 health to complete the quest, which you can also do on enemy characters.

Cards such as Injured Blademaster and Damaged Stegotron have become much better with this Quest. You just need to buff your minions as high as possible and beat down the enemy. Priest's new Reborn cards can also be used as a support for this deck.

#6. Quest Rogue

Image result for bazaar burglary hearthstone

Deck Code: AAECAaIHCOvwAqCAA9aMA6+RA5KXA6eoA6qoA5+3Awu0Ad0Ix/gC3oIDj5cDkJcD+5oD/poD+6UD9acDragDAA==


Quest Rogue has nowhere near the power level of the Caverns Below, which got nerfed thrice. It is very easy to fulfill with just adding 4 different class cards to your hand. It is definitely a sweet upgrade to the Hero Power though.

You can also run this with Pirates such as Captain Greenskin or weapon buffs like Deadly Poison and beat down the opponent with a strongly buffed weapon. Either way, a 3/2 weapon which makes you immune while attacking justifies running the Quest.

#7. Quest Shaman

Shaman's Quest is pretty broken
Shaman's Quest is pretty broken

Deck Code: AAECAaoIBqbwAu/3ArmZA72ZA9qdA+GoAwz/BfbwAu/xAo/7AoqAA4uFA7SRA8+lA9SlA9WlA/mlA5CnAwA=


Quest Shaman's Double Battlecry reward is probably one of the most busted mechanics Blizzard has come up with. The new Totem, EVIL Totem, allows Shamans to generate a lot of Lackeys. The Double Battlecry effect is especially powerful with Lackeys.

Even with cards such as Lifedrinker, it is quite easy to deal a lot of damage to the enemy. This is a card which might be too powerful!

#8. Quest Warlock

Image result for supreme archeology hearthstone

Deck Code: AAECAf0GCO0FwvECnPgClooDl5cDiZ0D66MD36kDC9wGtgfhB8XzAvWAA4aaA9qbA+ObA6GhA/KlA52pAwA=


Warlock's Quest was one of the first reveals of the set and a strong one. The star of this deck is Plot Twist. It helps you reshuffle your hand to the deck and draw the same amount, allowing you to complete the quest without exhausting your deck.

Augmented Elekk can help you shuffle in extra copies of cards when using Plot Twist. Once the Hero Power is obtained, you can draw a card and play it for (0). A 0 mana Colossus of the Moon, Mountain Giant and other big minions is pretty damn busted!

#9. Quest Warrior

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And for the final class, Warrior. Warrior has a relatively weaker Quest but it is not exactly weak. The requirement is simple, especially if you can get out early game weapons to attack. The weapon Sul'thraze can help you complete the quest faster. Overkilling a minion over 4 will allow you to attack again. You can get 4 possible attacks in just a turn!

The reward is quite lucrative too. Summoning a 4/3 on the board which can be repeated is a strong effect. This Quest is heavily supported by cards like Dr. Boom and Mad Genius otherwise it isn't a very great deck.

There have been many variations of the deck going around. Some have even tried combining it in a Rush/Bomb Warrior package. This deck can also be played as a variant of Control Warrior, one of the most popular deck archetypes in Hearthstone.

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