Best PUBG Mobile Lite sensitivity and gyroscope settings for beginners: A step-by-step guide

Best headshot sensitivity settings for beginners in PUBG Mobile Lite
Best headshot sensitivity settings for beginners in PUBG Mobile Lite

PUBG Mobile Lite is prospering globally, and new players are joining the game daily. Players are seeking new ideas and methods to get an advantage as the competition is heating up.

Headshots are one of the most effective ways to kill opponents quickly in a battle royale fight, and the sensitivity settings have a major influence on headshot accuracy.

This article guides players on getting the best sensitivity settings for PUBG Mobile Lite, which will help beginners score more headshots.

Note: Sensitivity settings differ from device to device. Hence, minor tweaks might be necessary. The settings listed here are just a suggestion based on which players can get their own customized settings.

Camera sensitivity in PUBG Mobile Lite

The camera sensitivity settings control the principal camera movement action of the in-game character. These settings also allow players to manage the horizontal recoil of the weapon when scoping in:

Camera sensitivity in PUBG Mobile Lite
Camera sensitivity in PUBG Mobile Lite
  • No Scope: 133-140%
  • Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 65-70%
  • 2x Scope: 32-45%
  • 3x Scope: 27-32%
  • 4x ACOG Scope, VSS: 24-27%
  • 6x Scope: 15-19%
  • 8x Scope: 11-15%

ADS sensitivity in PUBG Mobile Lite

Aim Down Sight (ADS) sensitivity significantly aids players in controlling a weapon's vertical recoil. The sensitivity mentioned below may assist players in determining the appropriate ADS sensitivity for their device:

ADS sensitivity in PUBG Mobile Lite
ADS sensitivity in PUBG Mobile Lite
  • No Scope: 133-140%
  • Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 65-70%
  • 2x Scope: 32-45%
  • 3x Scope: 27-32%
  • 4x ACOG Scope, VSS: 24-27%
  • 6x Scope: 15-19%
  • 8x Scope: 11-15%

Also read: Best PUBG Mobile Lite sensitivity and gyroscope settings for headshots

Gyroscope sensitivity in PUBG Mobile Lite


The gyroscope feature in the sensitivity settings detects the motion of the player's device and adjusts the camera view in-game correspondingly. It assists in controlling the weapon's recoil by tracking the device's movement. It is not easy to control, and hence, beginners are recommended to keep these values as low as possible:

Gyroscope sensitivity settings in PUBG Mobile Lite
Gyroscope sensitivity settings in PUBG Mobile Lite
  • No Scope: 200%
  • Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 200%
  • 2x Scope: 137-150%
  • 3x Scope: 137-145%
  • 4x ACOG Scope, VSS: 115-130%
  • 6x Scope: 97-105%
  • 8x Scope: 78-90%

It is also important for beginners to regularly practice on the training grounds and tweak the values accordingly until they find their best sensitivity settings.

Also read: PUBG Mobile Lite vs COD Mobile: Which game is the better alternative to Garena Free Fire in 2021?