5 Best Shooting Games for PS4 

Farcry 5
Farcry 5

#Battlefield 5

Battlefield 5
Battlefield 5

The Gorgeous yet the most controversial game of 2018. Battlefield 5 has been a hot topic in the online media for past few months due to a trailer having female soldier with a prosthetic arm. Battlefield 5 is one of the best shooter games out till now. Not only it implements the latest use of RTX hardware but it also focuses on the core shooting experience that Battlefield series have provided through years with some improved physics and dynamics.

Battlefield 5 will also join the race of Battle Royal titles next year in the month of March, as it will be releasing its Battle Royal mode named the "Firestorm" which will let 64 players , i.e 16 teams to compete for top place in one of the largest maps of Battlefield yet created in entire battlefield series.

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