COD Mobile Season 2: Best spots to hide in Prop Hunt

Image via Activision
Image via Activision

Activision recently added an entertaining Prop Hunt game mode to COD Mobile Season 2.

There are two teams in this mode - the Hunters and the Props. The prop team can turn into various objects. The goal for the hunter is to find the props who find places to hide. Team members shuffle after the first round.

The only way for a prop to succeed in Prop Hunt is by finding unique hiding spots. Since the props can move and jump, it is easier to find a place that can go unnoticed by their opponents. However, this mode might be slightly tricky to master for a new player of COD Mobile.

This article shares eight of the best places to hide as a prop in this mode of COD Mobile.

Top 8 places to hide in Prop Hunt in COD Mobile

#1 - Passageway

Passageway [Image Via Activision]
Passageway [Image Via Activision]

This is one of the best places to hide in Prop Hunt. Since there are so many objects in this location, it will be difficult for the hunters to find a specific prop.

#2 - Barracks Hut

This is another excellent place to hide in COD Mobile's Prop Hunt mode. Players can jump on the window and track the movements of hunters.

Barracks Hut [Image Via Reddit]
Barracks Hut [Image Via Reddit]

#3 - Auto Repair

Players can jump onto the boxes for a safer place. One can also track the movements of the opponents while hiding in this place. Multiple hiding positions allow people to change their position quickly if necessary.

#4 - Low Building

Players can hide on the roof or in the passage above the window. It is tough for the hunters to find a player from such hidden positions in the game.


#5 - Shop

Players can jump over the boxes for a safer hiding place.

#6 - Grassland

Players can easily hide in this area as well. Since there are many trees and other objects in the area, it will be difficult for hunters to locate a prop.


#7 - Garage

This location is one of the common places to hide. Players are advised to hide behind a car or some other large object.

#8 - Gallery

This is also another common location for players to hide. For a safe spot, try to hide behind a bunch of flowers.

While these are some of the best hiding spots in COD Mobile Season 2's Prop Hunt, using abilities at the correct time will increase the chances of winning as a prop.

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