Corpse Husband reveals he is "too sad" to go to therapy and fans are concerned

Image via Corpse Husband
Image via Corpse Husband

Corpse Husband posted a tweet alluding to the fact that he canceled his therapy session because he was too sad to go.

It is very concerning when someone feels depressed to the point that they give up on trying to feel better. This is normally a big red flag for potential self-harm. This is the case with Corpse Husband, whose canceled session is making fans question his mental state. Corpse normally goes to therapy to help deal with the physical ailments which keep him at home for long periods of time.

Fans jumped on this tweet with the purpose of brightening Corpse's day, in an attempt to convince him to continue fighting against the depression.

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Some posted tweets relating to the streamer in hopes of showing him that he's not alone in these feelings. They hope to show Corpse that his feelings are normal and that they do not make him a weak person.

Others encouraged him to go to therapy, because alleviating depression is the purpose of therapy in the first place. He should let his therapist or counselor know why he is feeling sad and find steps to tackle the issue at hand.

Others gave Corpse Husband an alternative to therapy if he was still too sad to go. The purpose of these tweets was to provide doses of happiness, to try and push him through the day.

It is nice to see that Corpse Husband has such a supportive fanbase, who seem to come to his aid whenever he shows vulnerability.

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Corpse Husband is battling many illnesses

Part of Corpse Husband's mental strife is the fact that he sometimes can't leave his house due to various ailments. The list of conditions is long, but include fibromyalgia, thoracic outlet syndrome, and GERD, which is in part why his voice is so deep.

Corpse has also said that he has to wear an eyepatch because of the strain from the brightness of his screen.

His chronic illnesses keep him in a state of consistent pain. He has stated that going to the therapist is a way through which he keeps himself mentally strong enough to face each day.

Related: Where does Corpse Husband Stream: Platform, Stream Timings and other details