Describe the deck in 3 words: Legends of Runeterra's tweet and hilarious responses by the community

Everyone showed their wisdom and humor to describe their recent decks in 3 words (Image via Riot Games)
Everyone showed their wisdom and humor to describe their recent decks in 3 words (Image via Riot Games)

Legends of Runeterra is not only a great game that has great gameplay, but it is also deeply loved by its dedicated community, who get together from time to time to create special moments.

There are strong and valid grounds as to why its community so adores Legends of Runeterra. The game community may be biased, but they also understand the problems and negatives better than others.

Legends of Runeterra has always been a fan favorite due to how generous and F2P it is. Players do not have to depend on their wallets to be truly and sustainably competitive. If there have been problems, Riot has duly listened and made changes, the latest being the new live balance system introduced in patch 2.18.0.

Legends of Runeterra's hilarious tweets and a series of funny replies

Earlier on October 29, Legends of Runeterra made a tweet from their official handle that contained a question. The question was simple, and it asked the players to describe their newest decks in three words or less.

The most recent ranked season Between Worlds has completed a week in Legends of Runeterra. The new buffs have seen a resurgence in Lurk and Dragon decks. Many tweets indicated that fact, but some of the other responses were outright hilarious.

Hilarious 3-worded deck descriptions by Legends of Runeterra players

The standout tweet was by a user who mentioned that their choice is whatever MegaMogwai plays.

Mogwai is a Spanish Legends of Runeterra player who is one of the game's biggest and most popular streamers. He has also worked as a professional caster for Legends of Runeterra competitions. It's no wonder so many Legends of Runeterra look up to him for his expertise and deck guidance.

The second asked for a buff for Vladimir in Legends of Runeterra. Incidentally, in the current ranked season, a Braum Vladimir is doing well, but it seems the user is not satisfied and probably wants Riot to show Vladimir more love.

Another tweet reminded us of a typical problem players face when their beloved deck no longer works like before.

Sometimes, no matter what, a deck always loses and indicates that perhaps it's time for a change.

It seems players can't have enough about Mogwai, as is epitomized by this following tweet.

Once again, Legends of Runeterra's tightly knit community got together over a basic tweet in many ways. However, there was no shortage of creativity, whether someone's deck is working well for them or not. It sets the stage for Halloween and the festive period as the game prepares for November and the upcoming expansions and mega pass.

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