Fallout 76: Easy way to earn 1000 Plus caps in less than an hour 

Fallout 76
Fallout 76

Fallout 76 Wild Appalachia came to an end a few days ago. The new DLC offered some of the best quests, new items, events and much more. It has been almost 7 months since the game was launched.

Fallout 76 was one of the worst games from Bethesda as it had countless bugs, server crashes, loot duplication and plenty of other problems which made the game unplayable.

The current state of Fallout 76 has improved a lot and the game has finally become the game that was intended to be in the first place. It is the best time to dig into the post-apocalyptic West Virginia with your friends to have some fun.

Fallout 76 survival elements are implemented in a very good manner and realistic way. Generally, new players are bound to have problems in earning caps which is the currency in the game to buy stuff from vendors and other players. There are also resource issues along with some other in-game problems faced by new players.

Therefore, today I am going to talk about the easiest way to earn thousands of caps in less than an hour. The amount earned will clearly depend on your current level and inventory capacity.

So, what you have to do is collect every edible item there is at your camp. Secondly, if you don't have the crops at your camp there is no problem as there are different farmsteads in the map which includes crops like corn, razorgrain and more. Every such item can be sold at the Whitespring resort to any of the vendors.The total caps of all the vendors are connected, so selling your items to one will reduce the number of caps from all vendors. In case the vendors run out of the money you can use server hopping.

I use this method very often as I have more than 50 crops at my camp with 4 water purifiers. So, without going anywhere I can harvest all the crops and purified water and sell them to the vendor. To increase the selling price you can also cook the items using wood scraps. There are other ways like using perks to compliment the selling and buying price.


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