Fortnite keyboard that gives players "controller movement" is giving players an unfair advantage

Image via Epic Games
Image via Epic Games

The "controller vs KBM" debate in Fortnite took a wild turn as a keyboard has emerged as the community's solution.

YouTuber thedenverguy clipped Nicholas "NickEh30" Amyoony's Twitch stream, where he spoke about this new revolutionary keyboard. Apparently, this keyboard allows PC players to mimic controller movements in Fortnite.

The "controller vs KBM'' debate recently came into focus when Epic banned double-movement on the keyboard. This caused a major section of the Fortnite PC community to revolt against the unfair change.

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While numerous claims have been made that PC players get more scope concerning movement, there is a major section that blames controller gamers for having the upper hand in Fortnite.

New keyboard to end the "controller vs KBM" debate in Fortnite


In the video, thedenverguy mentions that this new keyboard might be game-changing in Fortnite. NickEh30 was playing with Vincent "Punisher" Valtancoli when the latter mentioned this new innovative keyboard.

Image via thedenverguy YouTube
Image via thedenverguy YouTube

NickEh30 was quite surprised and asked whether this keyboard will allow macro movement. Macro movement refers to a sideways running movement that controller gamers have as an advantage. However, to do this on a keyboard, gamers have to press several keys at once.

Image via thedenverguy YouTube
Image via thedenverguy YouTube

Punisher mentioned that this new keyboard will have the usual W, A, S, D keys with an added advantage. This keyboard will allow full controller movement for Fortnite PC players, and it looks like the next big innovation in the game.

Image via thedenverguy YouTube
Image via thedenverguy YouTube

The keyboards sold out as soon as the Fortnite community found out about it. This revolutionary new hardware might finally level the playing field in Fortnite battle royale.

Image via thedenverguy YouTube
Image via thedenverguy YouTube

Punisher highlighted that running sideways is not fair in a game like Fortnite. NichEh30 further mentioned that controller gamers can do much more with piece control due to the sideways movement in Fortnite.

Image via thedenverguy YouTube
Image via thedenverguy YouTube

Thedenverguy explained that this keyboard is becoming extremely popular, and PC players need to use this to negate the advantage controller players have in Fortnite.

Image via thedenverguy YouTube
Image via thedenverguy YouTube

The aim-assist in controllers is another aspect that Fortnite PC players have complained about. This has been a recurring issue, and Epic Games have tried their best to reduce the aim-assist as much as they can. However, it would be exceedingly unfair to remove aim-assist from controllers altogether as it does not have a mouse range.

The building and combat aspect in Fortnite is excessively dependent on movement. This is the primary reason why Fortnite PC players want the game to be fair. With a controller, gamers get the added advantage of movement and aim-assist.


After the double-movement was banned for PC players, several Fortnite pros took to Twitter to express their discontent. Fortnite World champ Kyle "Bugha" Giersdorf updated a post on Twitter showing a plastic strip attached to his keyboard to get the same kind of movement.

The introduction of this keyboard might force Epic Games to make another change concerning device-based movement in Fortnite. PC players have been playing for a while without double movement, and it would be interesting to see how this works out with the Fortnite community.

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