FUT Perisic: Best way to get FUT Birthday Ivan Perisic card in FIFA 19

FUT Birthday Ivan Perisic
FUT Birthday Ivan Perisic

#2 – 84-rated squad


Min. TOTW Players: 1

Min. Team Rating: 84

Min. Team Chemistry: 80

Number of Players in the Squad: 11


For this challenge, I have gone with LaLiga players as they are available for a relatively cheap amount. The above squad was build for just around 74k as I had most of them in the club already.

However, if you need to sign all the players mentioned above, it will cost you 122k on PS4, 136k on XBOX and 152k on PC. All the players are easily available in the market and should be easily gettable.

You can swipe them for a lower price as well and get the cost down. Moreover, if you are a regular player, you should be having a lot of 83 rated cards in your club, just try and get the chemistry to around 60 and then start buying players to fill in the gaps.

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