Hearthstone Standard Rotation: The 5 Best Arena Cards Paladin Will Lose in 2019

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#3. Vinecleaver

Image result for vinecleaver hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Weapons, in general, have a lot of value in the Arena Mode. You can hit instantly and damage a minion or punch face immediately. Vinecleaver is a strong 4-attack weapon which generates 2 silver hand recruits while you attack. That is extremely strong because you have a weapon which generates minions and board presence. You can get 6 total Silver Hand Recruits, worth 6/6 of stats with a 4-attack weapon. Lots of value even though it costs 7 mana!

Also read: Hearthstone - The 5 Best Arena Cards Hunter will lose in 2019

#2. Sunkeeper Tarim

Image result for sunkeeper tarim hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Sunkeeper Tarim is another card that is extremely strong in both Arena and Constructed. It has Taunt, which will protect your 3/3 minions. It can also punish your opponents bigger minions such as Giant Mastodon or Worgen Abomination or Linecracker. You can also Discover Sunkeeper Tarim through Stonehill Defender, a common card. So it is not that hard to get him even if you don't draft him!

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