Hearthstone Standard Rotation: The 5 Best Priest Cards Leaving Standard in 2019 (Constructed)

Image result for hearthstone shadowreaper anduin

Priest has had an interesting meta in Hearthstone with the release of cards from Journey to Un'Goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne and Kobolds & Catacombs. These sets will be rotating out in 2019 and Priest will be losing some great cards. Before the 2018 Standard Rotation, Big Priest was the menace in both Standard and Wild. Play only big minions in your deck (except Barnes), Shadow Essence and Eternal Servitude and you have an army of big minions.

Although that deck is not a problem in Standard anymore, Priest's meta will change and maybe for the worse (depends on the cards from the next expansion). Check out our pieces on Druid, Hunter, Mage and Paladin. Here are the most impactful cards leaving Standard in 2019 for Priest.

#5. Psychic Scream

Image result for hearthstone psychic scream

Expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs

Psychic Scream is a powerful board clear for Priest. Although it doesn't kill any minions, Psychic Scream can shuffle many useless token minions or buffed minions into your opponent's deck. It also stuffs their deck and the chances of drawing good become significantly lower. A good anti-top deck spell!

Priest does not have powerful board clears. Holy Nova and Spirit Lash deal only 2 and 1 damage respectively and that's why Psychic Scream is so powerful

#4. Radiant Elemental

Image result for radiant elemental hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Someday I'll be just like you! Oh wait, wrong class. Radiant Elemental is a really strong 2-drop for Priest, which gives you 0 mana Power Word: Shield, 0 mana Inner Fire, 1 mana Divine Spirit and more. The one mana discount on spells is extremely useful for Priest. It was initially used to combo with Lyra and get multiple Priest spells. But Radiant Elemental found a place in many decks, including the weird but wildly popular deck APM Priest.

#3. Duskbreaker

Image result for duskbreaker hearthstone

Expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs

Duskbreaker is extremely strong for its Mana cost. At 4 mana, dealing 3 damage to all minions is not something other classes have. Although it is conditional with having a Dragon, Priest already has many Dragons in its pool of cards. Even in non-Dragon focused decks, Duskbreaker was an auto-include because like I mentioned earlier, Priest has weak board clears. Even though Psychic Scream was released in the same set, Duskbreaker at least kills minions.

#2. Shadowreaper Anduin

Image result for shadowreaper anduin hearthstone

Expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne

Shadowreaper Anduin is an extremely strong Death Knight card. It removes minions with 5 or more attack and his Hero Power puts the classic card Shadowform to shame. There was a time when Raza the Chained was in the meta and made your hero power 0, which gave birth to Machine Gun Priest. Even after Raza rotated out, Shadowreaper Anduin was included in many Priest decks to deal with big minions and deal lots of damage.

#1. Shadow Visions

Image result for shadow visions hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Shadow Visions is a perfectly balanced card which now sees over 90% inclusions in all Priest decks in the game. You can double Seance to get a copy of a minion, double Mind Blast to get 10 damage, double Psychic Scream for the extra clear and more. Cards like this are not seen often in Hearthstone, so let's hope Blizzard prints more balanced cards like it!

Honourable Mentions

Awaken the Makers

Image result for awaken the makers

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Awaken the Makers is a Quest which is also very balanced. It is not OP and takes a while to finish the quest. Getting 40 health doesn't make you immortal but it is quite powerful when you summon Amara. The Quest was used in many different meta decks over the past 2 years, most recently in Mecha'thun Priest.

Lyra the Sunshard

Image result for lyra the sunshard hearthstone

Expansion: Journey to Un'Goro

Lyra was released parallel with Awaken the Makers and saw a great amount of play in many Priest decks. Even though it is a little RNG dependent, Lyra proved to be surprisingly strong especially when combined with Radiant Elemental.

Obsidian Statue

Image result for obsidian statue hearthstone

Expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne

Initially used as a Big Priest tool, Obsidian Statue is also a surprisingly balanced card. It is balanced if you play it on Turn 9, not turn 4 or 5. It has a strong death rattle, a lot of health for a taunt and the ability for your hero to gain back a lot of life.

Archbishop Benedictus

Image result for archbishop benedictus hearthstone

Expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne

Archbishop Benedictus is by no means a good card. He was always used as a meme card, to copy your opponent's deck and use it against them. Archbishop Benedictus can also make you avoid fatigue or delay fatigue in case you draw too much too fast. There is no card quite like him and he will be sorely missed!

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